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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I find it very hard to believe that the most ever users online is today's 76. My guess is the admins installed a patch or something that re-set the board stats.
  2. thanks, that's a great song. but how is that voice coming out of that man? just visually doesn't look right at all.
  3. Dear God is one of my alltime faves.
  4. I think it depends on my expectations for the album - if I have high hopes for it being great, I'm typically disappointed on the first listen or two but usually come around to liking (or loving) it. Only when something comes out of left field or is from an artist/band that's new to me do I sometimes love it upon first listen... most recent example of that was when I picked up Nobody's Darlings, my first Lucero CD, a few months ago.
  5. my kids (3 & 5) are allowed to come into our bed with us for a couple of hrs in the morning if they want to... but we have a strict rule that it must be after mommy & daddy are too sleepy to put up a fight about it.
  6. rise up this mornin' smile with the risin' sun three little birds sit on my doorstep singin' sweet songs of melodies pure and true, sayin', this is my message to you-o-o.
  7. stupid, disrespectful, ignorant, etc... i agree. still, it made me chuckle... giddiness supercedes decorum, I suppose.
  8. oh yeah, it definitely happened... was very prominently heard on MSNBC, at least.
  9. rude as it may have been, I must admit that I chuckled when I heard the crowd chanting "na na na na, na na na na, hey, hey, goodbye" to Bush as his helicopter left DC.
  10. I remember those...they would pack them with extra sugar/cornstarch/whatever so you could puff once or twice and make "smoke." lol.
  11. don't know about album, but the song that's often on my mind when I have a bad hangover is Johnny Come Home by the Fine Young Cannibals... "what is wrong/in my life/that I must get drunk every night?"
  12. wow, so the Stooges made the cut but didn't get voted in? that's surprising. I agree with the writer that individuals being inducted multiple times for various band/solo efforts is a bit silly and unnecessary.
  13. Just impossible to be limited to only one... but the first one that came to mind was: The ones who love us best are the ones we'll lay to rest and visit their graves on holidays at best The ones who love us least are the one we'll die to please if it's any consolation I don't begin to understand them
  14. another year, another Replacements RRHOF snub.
  15. same here, except I didn't come around to "country music" until I finally picked up the UT 89-93 Anthology CD a few yrs ago. ditto. also, Minutemen - Double Nickles on the Dime... blew my mind the first time I heard it, still surprises me every time I listen to it now.
  16. Minutemen - Viet Nam Afghan Whigs - Blame, etc. Replacements - Unsatisfied Husker Du - New Day Rising (would also be a candidate for best album opening, as well as best concert opening)
  17. yeah, Aussie Rules FB is a great sport. Kinda like football mixed with basketball and soccer. I also miss the days when it used to be regularly on ESPN/espn2 - on what channel did you find it?
  18. Can't believe I missed that - that's exactly what i want. Thanks!
  19. Are any of the sites better at sharing than others? I want to create a semi-public album where anyone (or, ideally, just those I give access to) can upload & share their own photos. From what I can tell, every site has the model where there's only one account - the album owner - that can upload, and "public" access just means the ability for others to view the photos. anyone know if one of these sites can support what I'm trying to do?
  20. reminds me of this... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=HZSkM-QEeUg
  21. They deserve to be richly rewarded for a difficult & stressful job, but I would hesistate to say they deserve "every penny they make." In the 60's & 70's the average CEO made 20-30 times as much as the average non-mgmt worker. That ratio is now something like 400:1. You can't tell me that the job of a CEO has somehow gotten 20x more difficult since the 70's.
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