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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. he was pretty solid in 03-04 when they lost in the WC finals to Calgary - 3 shutouts and GAA under 2. stole a couple of big games earlier in his career as I recall. but yeah - in recent years, he's been just ok in the playoffs. Can't think of a time in the last 3+ seasons where I'd say he single-handedly won a playoff game for the sharks. speaking of which - predictions for tonight? I think we'll know within the first 5 mins. If SJ comes out hitting like they did in games 3 & 5, then I think they have a good shot at it. But if they come out timid and trying to be too precise with
  2. While I see the point you guys are making - and I agree that it certainly is more convenient to buy the tickets from my desk than have to wait for hrs at the ticket booth - couldn't the same argument be made for pretty much everything sold online? Following this logic, Amazon should be able to tack on an additional 20% or so for the convenience of being able to buy pretty much anything at any time... but that's not the case. Their prices are competitive with, and often cheaper than, what you'd pay at a local store, even factoring in shipping (which is usually free if you buy enough). I fin
  3. I'm just thrilled the Sharks decided to wake up... hopefully last night was not an aberration and we have a real series on our hands now.
  4. That's exactly the kind of thinking that got this program started in the first place - how can we parse the legalese so that we can justify something so blatantly against the intent of the law? If you can't define suspected terrorists - "enemy combatants" in our War on Terror - as POWs, then the definition of a POW is flawed. But that doesn't mean that anything goes and we have carte blanche to do whatever we want to these people. And let's just say that for the sake of argument that they really are not POWs and should not be protected as such. Then what are they, lab rats? There are st
  5. Called the Wiltern - they're not participating in the presale. Have to wait for the tickets to become available on TM I guess...
  6. now both dates say sold out... bummer. i wonder how many tickets they had reserved for the presale?
  7. yeah, I can't get anything for either of the Wiltern dates, either... can't believe the presale sold out in minutes.
  8. Baby learns to crawl watching Daddy's skin.
  9. yep, 1 down, 2 more to go...
  10. Decided I'm going to hit all 3 SoCal shows... Daddy's been a good boy this year, he deserves it.
  11. ...but please be sure to keep the "WAKE UP PEOPLE" and 'YOU'RE AN IDIOT IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT" rhetoric. His posts would be so boring without them... on a similar note, I love listening to Sat morning radio, where they have those guys who talk about wiping out your debt in a matter of days/weeks/months... pretty much screaming at you the whole time that you're an idiot if you don't come to their seminars. reminds me of my favorite George Will quote - "Never take financial advice from a man who's shouting at you."
  12. I'm in the same boat as you, nathan, trying to ensure I a.) get tickets and then b.) hopefully show up early enough to get a good spot. They're also playing at the Fox Theater in Pomona on Sat the 20th... similar-sized venue, also GA I believe. It's an option for me since it's about as close to (or should I say far away from) where I work/live as the Wiltern. Never been to a concert at either one - anyone with an opinion/preference for one over the other? My guess is that tickets for the Sat night show in Pomona will go quicker than the Mon/Tues night shows in LA... but who knows. Bot
  13. I haven't gone through all the venues announced so far for the the entire tour, but the 3 shows in the LA area are in venues that hold approx 2000 people. Is that the case elsewhere? The Greek in Berkeley holds close to 10K, though... doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, I like smaller shows... just makes getting tickets right away more important than usual.
  14. so what do you all think... had Cobain not killed himself, what kind of music would he be playing today? and how long would Nirvana have survived? I suspect Nirvana wouldn't have lasted much more than a couple more years - Cobain seemed weary of his fame even before he got it. Dave Grohl also seemed destined for front-man status, although I doubt he would have been the cause of the band's breakup. Personally, I can easily see Cobain having followed the route of guys like Mould, Morello, Westerberg & Costello - former punks/rockers who found a need to produce more lyrically-oriented w
  15. Like I said, I'm opposed to most of what's in the Patriot Act and FISA. But let's stay focused here - we're talking about the US-sanctioned torture program that was solely the construction of the Bush admin. It never went through congress, the admin exercised their executive powers as commander in chief to define and execute the program. So Obama's repeal of the authorization to use "enhanced interrogation" tactics in the field is a sign they want the programs to remain in place? Ordering Guantanamo to be closed within a year is a sign they want the programs to remain in place? Ordering
  16. I had a fairly arrogant roommate in college (a drummer himself) who would listen to Rush incessantly. That was my introduction to the music - something I didn't care for musically (or stylistically with all the fantasy-themed stuff) - and a person who would berate me for not liking them because they were such great musicians who HAD to be loved. And to be honest, the little snippets I hear of their music from time to time don't make me want to give them another try... just not my thing.
  17. Marriage is most certainly a religious sacrament to many... but it is also a social contract recognized by the state, granting legal rights otherwise difficult (or impossible) to obtain. Confusing the two is reason why people struggle with this issue so much. In an ideal world, state-recognized partnerships would be called X and religious partnerships would be called Y, and the two would never be confused. (This post was brought to you courtesy of Captain Obvious.)
  18. There's nothing in the Patriot Act authorizing torture (or enhanced interrogation techniques, or detainment without trial, or any of their other euphemisms). And as distasteful as the FISA-approved wiretaps are, that's a far cry from state-authorized torture. Just because Obama, Pelosi & nearly every other member of Congress are guilty of allowing those items to pass does not put them on the same level as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Woo, Gonzales, etc... equating the two is ridiculous.
  19. I also highly recommend the article releated to the release of this report: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/22614
  20. quiz #1: 316/400 - "extremely progressive" quiz #2: You are a left moderate social libertarian. Left: 6.26, Libertarian: 3.44
  21. This is what I always loved about the Afghan Whigs - how their albums felt like such a wonderful journey from beginning to end. Each one is much, much better when listened to as a whole in one sitting. "Black Love" and "1965" are the two that stand out the most to me in this way... but the same could be said for "Gentlemen" and "Congregation"
  22. Yeah, but who would have thought us crazy left-coast liberals in CA would ever vote the way we did on Prop 8? One thing that election taught us is to never underestimate the organization skills of religious groups when they're fighting for a "cause" - and don't underestimate the general apathy level of the typical moderate/liberal who might support gay marriage, but won't be bothered to vote for it. Hopefully the rest of the country learned that lesson along with us.
  23. Good job Iowa State Supreme Court. As for Iowans in general, let's just wait to see how the inevitable vote for a constitutional amendment against gay marriage goes before we pat them on their collective back too much...
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