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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I've given it three tries now and it still isn't doing anything for me. In fact, I dislike it more with each listen. I'm done.
  2. Funny - that's my son's favorite show right now. Never realized that Fred Savage was the voice of Oswald. All along I've been freaked out by the fact that Squiggy from Laverne & Shirley (David Landers) plays Henry the Penguin on that show (seemingly, as Squiggy playing a penguin!) - now I've got the kid from Wonder Years to deal with. Nice. BTW, did you see the episode where Henry's cousin came to town? And guess who played him - Michael McKean, of course. That was a trippy show.
  3. Paul Westerberg - Lush and Green http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xhUNqjYLFyI
  4. That would be the perfect way for the Replacements to reunite. On tour with a much bigger band, where 95% of the audience couldn't care less about them. Only way better would be to reunite for one show at some obscure kiddie movie's premiere event, where no one in the crowd was a fan of the band or realized the significance of what was happening. oh wait...
  5. Another one for me... The Minutemen. Granted, I was a little young during their peak, but I really should have tried them out much earlier than I finally did. Double Nickels On The Dime is quite possibly the most delightful, creative, exhilirating & different album I own. Still listen to it probably more frequently than anything else I have.
  6. umm... Uncle Tupelo & Wilco? Hell, all of "alt-country" for that matter. I couldn't shake the image of some Garth-Brooks-meets-Billy-Idol-wannabe, so I entirely avoided the genre like the plague. Only after continuously hearing about Tweedy, Wilco & UT on the Westerberg board did I decide to finally check them out. Got Being There and the UT Anthology and haven't been the same since. Good stuff.
  7. I disagree with what was said earlier about Entourage - I still enjoy it as much as the 1st season. Having the gang return to NYC is going to be a good development. That being said, Turtle hooking up with Jamie-Lynn Sigler might well turn out to be their jump-the-you-know-what moment.
  8. To be fair - he's not a fan of Obama's economic plans, and thinks they'll make the current problems much worse. Let's hope he's wrong this time.
  9. A person on another board I frequent gave me a heads-up about John's Grocery Store . Located in Iowa, I believe - but they ship anywhere it's legal. Very good selection of generally hard-to-find beer... especially useful for stuff like Bell's that's only available in the midwest. Check 'em out.
  10. Same here... I'm a hophead to the extreme. Those are great IPAs. another yummy beer: and of course you can't go wrong with a little arrogant bastard - delicious beer, with the best label in brewing!
  11. "A Soother for Dwayne" by Chris Mars http://www.chrismarspublishing.com he looks how I feel most days (well, mornings at least).
  12. I got my mom into geneaology a while back and we were both thrilled at first when we discovered how the LDS church maintained such great geneaology records for non-Mormons. Nice people, helped us out greatly. But we soon learned why they kept these records - pretty creepy.
  13. i'm now 2-3, and like someone else said earlier - this was the first time my vote was FOR the candidate instead of against the other guy.
  14. WHAT!?!? I just got back from the store here in commie CA - couple bottles of good champagne if it's a celebration night, a bottle of cheap rum if it's otherwise.
  15. Sam Cooke - A Change is Gonna Come http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUT1WgHat6I (we can hope)
  16. oh yeah, I know... just need something to pass the time today while at work.
  17. thanks, but that looks like it's based on regular pre-election polling data from real clear politics. i'm looking for actual exit polls.
  18. anyone have a good source for exit polls online?
  19. We should know pretty early - I think whoever wins Virginia wins the election. I have it 338-200 Obama (Kerry's states plus FL, OH, IA, VA, CO, NM, NV). Popular vote difference right around 4%. McCain needs a miracle at this point. I just don't see how it's possible.
  20. I'm an Olbermann fan and I thought Affleck's impersonation of him was hilarious. Especially the Special Comment, where he had KO's mannerisms and overall pacing down perfectly.
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