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Everything posted by Knepps

  1. Yes, it was most awesome. Every second.
  2. I don't think Bruce would be very happy about lip-syncing during a live performance.
  3. I used to be really into Zappa. I agree on some of his tracks being hit or miss. I think my favorite Zappa track is "Black Napkins" at the moment.
  4. I went to see Weezer a couple years ago, I went into it with low expectations but they actually put on a pretty good show. Have fun.
  5. I've seen him a couple times within the last few years, I'm a fan of Dylan aswell, but I had more enjoyment in watching his band than the man himself...but it is funking Bob Dylan so I still enjoyed the show. I think I'm skipping the mpls date.
  6. I've only had my tonsils out, I rotate through surgical areas so I see a lot of pretty crazy stuff.
  7. I've seen Neil Young do "Greendale" and also Roger Waters do darkside in a single show respectivly
  8. I walked out of a Bear Vs Shark show that my friends dragged me to (I know none of their material), I ended up walking over to the other room of the club and caught GWAR's set which was really... something.
  9. YES! In fact I might go watch some of it now...
  10. So I got a ticket for the first night at first ave and I would just like to show everyone how much I love ticketmaster... Buying directly from the band presale: $25 Ticket + $4 service fee = $29 Buying from ticketmaster: $24 Ticket + $7 convienence fee + $1 Building fee + $4 Service fee + tax? = $37.03 Not to change the subject of the thread. I just wanted to vent. Anyways, I'm pretty excited for this.
  11. My city topped that list one year, it was a huge deal for everyone here. There are still signs that read "Voted best place to live in America" around town. Now we're number 70...whoops.
  12. Yeah I'm a friendly neighbor to the south in Rochester, always thought I would move up to the cities but I got a job offer I couldn't say no to. I'm up there quite often though.
  13. Presale sold out for Sat night...so I'll have to pay ticketmaster's wonderful fees. I did get a ticket for the 16th though!!
  14. Tough one but I might go with... Big Time Rain Dogs Mule Variations
  15. Man, I really wanted to go. Glad to hear it was good.
  16. Hooray for just starting to watch as the National was leaving the stage
  17. I'm currently enjoying this, you should too. This isnt a commercial release Enjoy!
  18. Honestly, if they pony up the same money (or more) I don't know if they care.
  19. Man, the lips are on my list of people I have to see. Was Mr Bird in fine form? He has been excellent when I've seen him.
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