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Everything posted by Al.Ducts

  1. Might I recommend a trip over here? http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/42007-and-now-a-breath-of-fresh-air/
  2. Who likes Wilco? Alex likes Wilco. ("like" interchangeable with "love" in this regard)
  3. Al.Ducts

    UIC Chicago

    Just got in. About 15 rows back with two good friends. Very excited.
  4. Al.Ducts

    UIC Chicago

    Left Minneapolis about 2 hours ago. On the road to Chicago!
  5. Lindsay: I've got a great idea for a business Michael. Michael: Oh yea Lindsay whats that? Lindsey: Beads! GOB (from the couch): Bees!? Lindsey: No, BEADS. GOB: Beads!? Michael: GOB is not on board.
  6. I was just wondering (out loud) when Either Way or Pot Kettle Black would be played next. That is great you got them both.
  7. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense to you but it's just how I feel. People enjoy things for different reasons. Someone could have a favorite song/album (not necessarily Wilco) that is rather silly but recognize a different song/album to be a stronger piece of music or more important artistic statement (whatever that may mean -- again to each their own ). A song may be their favorite because of a certain memory it conjures up or in their ability to share that piece of music with loved ones.
  8. ALL his songs are protest songs. and none of his songs are protest songs. And everybody likes motorcycles... to some degree.
  9. I think if these lists were somehow suggesting which songs were best and worst (from each album) it would be a silly idea. But I see nothing wrong with people wanting to discuss which songs are their favorites/least favorite. And nothing anyone says in this thread will change how i think of certain songs so I see no harm in it.
  10. Let your eyes and ears be your method of document. Take it all in. Enjoy yourself. Then, later, if any of the lovely tapers have recorded the show (thanks to Wilco's incredibly fan-friendly taping policy) you can sit back and re-live the songs with memories that YOU have and not the memories your memory-card has. Trying to a snap a picture or two is fine. They probably won't come out great but if you want to sacrifice a couple seconds of attention here or there then that is up to the you. Wilco will love you. Babies.
  11. These are the types of photos that count! Sounds like you had a wonderful experience.
  12. Thanks. I saw Mikael and a woman walking outside the venue before their recent St. Paul show and thought about going across the street to say hello, get a photo, etc. but I decided against bugging him (Mind you this was not easy for this 20 year old fan, @ his first wilco show no less!). I guess one of the things that factored into my decision was my indecision regarding his name pronunciation .
  13. This thread seems as a good as any to ask something i've been wondering for awhile. I've always wondered about a few name pronunciations (I feel very lame not knowing this btw). Is Glenn's last name pronounced "Koch" or "Kochee" or some other variation? And is Mikael's name pronounced "Mick-ale" or "Michael"? I really ought to know this but I figured I would just get it straightened out for certain. Thanks
  14. Update for the 18th: Top Ten Requests for Sunday Oct 18, 2009 UIC Pavilion, Chicago - IL It's Just That Simple Misunderstood Magazine Called Sunset Blank Hoodoo Voodoo Theologians Kicking Television Cars Can't Escape Dreamer in my dreams Summer Teeth Re-Update: List unchanged as of October 13th
  15. I will most likely be going as a member of team zissou.
  16. Wish I had a nicer camera as I love taking photos. Couldn't manage to get much of anything from my first show last Friday in St. Paul but these 2 probably came out the best. Did some work on each of them to try and get them to at least look interesting despite the lack of focus.
  17. I'll be making the trip from Minneapolis. Saw Wilco for the first time in St. Paul a couple nights ago and will be going to my second show the first night in Chicago. Anyone know what the sound is like at the DECC auditorium?
  18. "T" aka Tobias aka David Cross is speaking at the University of Minnesota Union bookstore this afternoon. He is promoting his new book "I Drink For a Reason" and will be signing afterwards. I will be going!
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