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Everything posted by gogo

  1. He's now performed on songs called Hate It Here and I Hate It Here.
  2. Hey you. June 16, 2003. Also: I love when it snows on VC.
  3. And I'm hoping to get his new one for Christmas: Recommendation for fans of music biographies, or true-life mystery (it's on a bunch of end-of-year Best lists): And for seasonal funsies, YA-ish Christmas-y rom-com (heavy on the rom) short stories:
  4. Maybe it's because it's a while since I've seen Wilco outside of California, but... who doesn't like that song?!? It gets a great response around here.
  5. If it had been Derry, those farmers waiting for the cattle auction to begin would have for sure been my relations.
  6. I didn't mean to make this into a political thread, but I'll take it! Thanks! I saw Wilco in a student union location much like bbop describes at Queens, I think it was in San Diego? bbop was there, he might remember it. I don't see anything on Wilcobase that looks like it matches my recollection. Hmmm... Edit: Price Center "Ballroom" at UC San Diego, which is technically in La Jolla! There it is!
  7. Did you know that Trish did her semester abroad at Queens? And a cousin of mine was President of the QU Student Union a couple of years ago. So I should be lodging my complaint about "Northern Ireland" with @Analogman, then?
  8. Unlocked link to the NY Times obituary, for anyone who's out of freebies
  9. gogo

    Fall 2023 Dates?

    I thought that too (about the California shows). But now I'm trying to figure out what Cousin references I'm missing!
  10. I went to college with the author. This one is getting crazy great reviews, recommended for fans of quirky music, mysterious disappearances, and obsessively-researched biographies.
  11. I will never understand how you manage this. But I'm always impressed, and always appreciate your reviews!
  12. He also said that the mourners were hurt that he referred to the church as a "musty" old hall. He later sang "rustic old hall".
  13. He changed several of the lyrics to The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald because he realized that as originally written, they were in some way unfair or hurtful to the crew or their survivors. I thought that was lovely, what a kind person he must have been.
  14. I got an e-mail from a local site called Do The Bay about an October show at the Greek Theater in Berkeley: https://dothebay.com/events/2023/10/14/wilco-tickets Wilcoworld is currently showing Ireland in September, then Monterey 10/8 and Berkely 10/14, then straight to Sky Blue Sky in December. I'm assuming there will be some other shows filled in there somewhere?
  15. https://www.avclub.com/new-oscars-teaser-confirms-the-bear-will-be-back-and-se-1850217739 New tag line for VC: "music nerds of a certain vintage". (The Bear probably should have had it's own thread by now!)
  16. This kind of nerdy nonsense is right up my alley, I don't know why I didn't read this whole series decades ago.
  17. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler is one of my all-time faves, so I'm not sure why I never read anything else by her. I'm well overdue for this one (literally, it was due back to the library yesterday; I'll need to get through it quickly ).
  18. Love this one, I read it many years ago. Due for a re-read!
  19. My nephew said once that the four main characters on The Inbetweeners were just like him and his three best friends in high school. So I had to watch it, and I was horrified (and also, horrified at how much I enjoyed it ) I loved We Are Lady Parts!
  20. Steve Martin wrote a play, which I saw 20+ years ago, called Picasso at the Lapin Agile. It's an imagining of Picasso and Einstein meeting a Paris cafe and discussing their respective geniuses. Lots of fun! Steve Martin described it as "Focusing on Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and Picasso’s master painting, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, the play attempts to explain, in a light-hearted way, the similarity of the creative process involved in great leaps of imagination in art and science". The ending is incredibly silly, but it's worth seeing if you ever get the chance.
  21. One more that I forgot to post! For anyone who thinks our phones aren't listening to us: I went to college with Adam Langer, did not know him at all, but now we've got a couple of friends in common on facebook. I was mentioning to my sister last week that I was reading this (we both very much enjoyed one of his previous books, Crossing California). Next time I looked at facebook, I had a new suggested friend: Adam Langer.
  22. New one for the new year. Link to last year (a few folks, including me, posted a few for this year over there already): https://viachicago.org/topic/54942-now-reading-2022
  23. Just finished this one. I went to college with the author. At a reunion a few years ago, I asked how she'd been and she told me this whole story in about 10 minutes. She was entertaining when I knew her back then, and she's still incredibly entertaining now!
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