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Everything posted by gogo

  1. My mom was very much looking forward to watching it, but... she'll be getting her vaccine instead! We'll take that trade-off. I've already got everything set to record on her DVR, we'll watch together tomorrow night.
  2. It happened a few times on the old board. Yes! Arguments in favor of this: https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/12/move-christmas-to-february-lets-postpone-jesus-birthday.html I would put it somewhere it wouldn't clash with the Super Bowl. Not that I particularly care about the Super Bowl, but I know it'd be a thing that would become an issue...
  3. I love when it starts snowing on VC. As a native Californian, I've always loved the *idea* of a white christmas.
  4. I had a dream about you this weekend, Mr. Beltmann (and it wasn't creepy!). We were having a big barbecue in our backyard, and you were there. It made me nostalgic for seeing people in general, and for seeing Wilco friends in particular. I've heard of words that describe homesickness for a place you've never been, or nostalgia for a time you've never known, but I don't know if there's a particular word for missing friends you've never met.
  5. Put me down for the "really want to meet you in person someday!" list.
  6. At least one republican senator (Mike Lee from Utah) has tested positive. He and the president of Notre Dame, who has also tested positive, were both at her nomination ceremony. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear of a few more cases from that event.
  7. It could possibly solve one (or more than one) of many problems: gets him out of future debates allows for a complete reset of his campaign (likely counting on Biden to take the gentleman's stance on this one, and "pause" his campaign while Trump is out of commission) allows him to pop up in two weeks and say "see, no worse than the flu!"; or, "hydroxychloroquine works!" allows him to bow out of the race entirely, which would give the entire republican party cover to say that they would have won, if only Trump had been healthy Also, none of these even require hi
  8. Available today only on Bandcamp: https://goodmusic2020.bandcamp.com/
  9. I may have broken the other thread, sorry! If I can figure out what I did, I'll merge them. Anyway, this is from the "shows" page on wilcoworld.net. All S-K shows postponed. 08.06.2020 Spokane, WA - First Interstate Center for the Arts with Sleater-Kinney This show has been postponed. Stay tuned for more details. 08.08.2020 Big Sky, MT - Peak to Sky Festival This show has been cancelled. Refunds will be processed by point of purchase. 08.11.2020 Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre with Sleater-Kinney This show has been postponed. Stay tuned for more details. 08.13.2
  10. The modern music industry is built almost entirely on Black art. The wealth that rightfully belonged to Black artists was stolen outright and to this day continues to grow outside their communities. No one artist could come close to paying the debt we owe to the Black originators of our modern music and their children and grandchildren. As an individual I have recognized the unfairness of the life I live in relation to the deprivation of people whose work mine is but a shadow of. I’ve tried to compensate for those inequities in both my public and private life. It hasn’t been enough. I’ve oft
  11. I just checked my ticketmaster account, and it looks like all three of the shows I had (SF, Oakland, and San Jose) have "request refund" options now. I don't think that was there the last time I looked. It's still saying that they don't know yet if the shows will be cancelled or rescheduled. (I know if you didn't buy through ticketmaster this doesn't necessarily help you. )
  12. FYI, we received this notice today: So, it shouldn't be much of an outage, but if we're down for a bit, please just check back in 30 minutes.
  13. gogo

    Wilco Photos

    Right now, I'd say that was taken in social distancing hell. Or maybe that's heaven, when we can all be packed together like that again! These are great, Charles, thank you. I love Nels with the lamp!
  14. This is all of us, on one topic or another, during shutdown.
  15. Interesting. I'm wondering if there's a timeframe for postponements baked into the no-refunds policy? Good to hear, anyway!
  16. Ticketmaster isn't going to refund anyone for "postponed" shows. Based on the way our governor is talking, I'm assuming the California shows will be postponed until sometime in 2022...
  17. Interesting! I'll start planning for Bay Area shows after that...
  18. We had a virtual family talent show during our first week of shelter-in-place, and I played a tune on my tin whistle, an Irish tune called "Tabhair dom do Lámh". Which unfortunately translates to "Give me your Hand".
  19. I think it's just to keep as many people out of the parks as possible. Although they're definitely not strictly enforcing most of these rules. Edit: from https://sf.gov/stay-home-except-essential-needs So it looks like what they're trying to avoid there is people sharing equipment, both of you touching the tennis ball, etc. If you're playing with a child, I can't imagine anyone would mind. Where I'm internally judging people is when multiple adults are out together. I'm OK with whatever looks like a family unit (parents and kids, couple walking a dog, whatever), but it's harder
  20. A friend from college is just getting over it. She's thankful that her husband and three kids are asymptomatic (they haven't been tested). She's a college professor, her doctor told her that he wouldn't be surprised if the college is riddled with it.
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