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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. gogo. potentially also a she. or a hermaphrodite. my data set is limited.
  2. no, Fork In The Road or Living With War are laughably bad. did you not like Psychedelic Pill? Neil does what's good he thinks is good for Neil, not for a perceived audience.
  3. really? grab some green, spark up, float on. it's a great voyage. i wish they'd do the whole thing in concert, though they do sections. "Cultivator" in particular is quite excellent. i'll drop that idea in their ears when i see them next month.
  4. that it's slightly creepy for a middle-aged man to be into pop acts manufactured for teenage girls.
  5. being ok w/ Taylor Swift....speaking of creeps. anyway, here you go: http://www.metacritic.com/browse/albums/score/metascore/all?sort=desc&view=condensed
  6. Food, music, politics, movies, clothing.... Everyone's opinion is accurate, right?
  7. i would make a case that Steely Dan is the most subversive musical act to ever garner mass attention in the US.
  8. they have plenty of songs under a minute (hence their name). i always thought it was cool that Sebadoh covered this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP-s7Sr0RVQ or Calexico covering a couple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQPAsfMzpAA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMKjV-QHYZU but why did the Kinks make that seismic shift in their songwriting and performing approach. i love the Kinks, but Ray is almost as much a bad cheerleader as Wayne Coyne in a live setting.
  9. it always amazes me that the Kinks got their surge of popularity in the US when they turned into just another shitty arena rock band.
  10. "Zoot Horn Rollo is the most important and influential guitar player that has ever lived, is still living or ever will live" - me
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