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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. just imagine if you are Robert Pollard and every record review (of the 30 or so annual releases) mentions his boozing and ex-4th grade teacher status. as well as the 30 annual releases.
  2. i'll be seeing the Whigs on Sunday. i saw the clip on whatever late night TV show they played, and Dulli looks like he dropped 30 lbs. the band looks in fighting shape.
  3. i think 2012 is off to a pretty slow start...
  4. the hipster quotient in that car has reached toxic levels, and that's w/ the windows down.
  5. is it possible to 'believe' in a lifestyle choice? yes, i believe there are bisexuals.
  6. http://soundcloud.com/alltomorrowsparties/tall-firs-a-history-of-bad-men Tall Firs covering The Melvins
  7. I had the unique opportunity to listen to a test pressing that Al received when we were at Raodburn. It's a worthwhile upgrade sonically. And the cover art is fantastic.
  8. Well at least my scenario, like the UT one, is in the realm of possibility. But yeah...ain't gonna happen
  9. yeah.,..file this under delusional daydream scenario. tweedy's got it good w/ Wilco, and Farrar seems very content w/ his thing too. can't imagine a UT tour at all. The Smiths might be more likely.
  10. the whole situation is crap...why do they need 'representatives' to hash out stuff like this? it's like Spinal Tap falling apart.
  11. What a cruel joke...I get on the stream only to find some steaming pile called Umphreys McGee.
  12. if you want sobering, don't forget Adam Yauch...
  13. yeah, he's Doug Sahm's son. they just played some shows in Italy and he was in Amsterdam for a few days visiting friends. i was talking w/ two people who had just come from a Daniel Johnston show, and he mentioned he was a musician too. i didn't recognize him off the bat but he looked a tad familiar (i saw them play last year, doing _Up On The Sun_).
  14. i randomly met the current drummer for the Meat Puppets when i was in Amsterdam last month, at a falafel stand.
  15. I caught the 2nd to last show of the "There Will Be Blood" tour sponsored by Decibel Magazine, and overall it was pretty fun. In Solitude was pretty average metal with an eye towards NWOBHM, i could leave more than i could take. The Devil's Blood has a good sound; think bands like Jex Thoth or Blood Ceremony...slightly doomy but more rock-ish, w/ a female singer. i got blasted by some flecks of 'blood' at one point from the bass player's hair. Watain made the whole stage area stink w/ their collection of animal heads and bones...i didn't see any rotting flesh, but the stench was most notice
  16. Behemoth/Watain/The Devil's Blood
  17. and Quine on guitar, iirc. great version.
  18. i liked Ranaldo's version of this last night:
  19. This week is busy: Tues - M Ward/Lee Ranaldo Wed - Spiritualized Thurs (possibly) - Regina Spektor Fri - Behemoth/Watain/Devil's Blood
  20. the list was compiled by several people, not just one. how do you judge 'greatest' guitarists? is joe bonamassa a 'greater' guitarist than d boon?
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