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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Photos and review are up: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/solid-sound-festival-a-three-day-festival-of-music/ and about 98 more can be seen at the link...
  2. they were pretty adamant about not letting press (or anyone w/ an SLR) take photos of this, but it was fun to watch.
  3. i missed Pat's exhibit, and the poster room too. Yeah, there was a lot of room to explore for sure...maybe next year a bit more detail in the map might be good (here's hoping there is a next year!). I know that there was at least one 'bandit' performance as well; Rick Bishop asked me if i knew anything about some room he was supposed to show up and play in at 3:30 but i didn't. not sure if there were other undercover things going on.
  4. hey, that's me on the catwalk (shot #15) was Mike a tall guy? i did meet a Mike right before we went into the pit for Jeff's set.
  5. i don't think it was malicious, but it certainly screwed up what he was gonna do w/ it... this is what it originally looked like: and this is post-festival goer modification:
  6. maybe campsites were hard to come by, but my friend snagged a spot @ Savoy state forest and it was a great site, only 10 or so miles away from MoCA. $12 is a nice price for lodging. the only downpoints i can see so far is running out of Blind Faith (c'mon Magic Hat...not everyone likes fruit in the beer, and those were the other two choices), and Glen's exhibit when he was discussing it. they shuold have mic'd him, and also turned off the drums in the other rooms, since it was impossible to catch most of what he said unless you were within 4' of him. i was a bit bummed that press wasn't al
  7. hey, if any attendees sees a fairly short, dark-haired, middle-aged guy w/ a black messenger bag full of camera gear, be sure to say hi. i'll be there starting tmrw. tim
  8. Calexico - The Ballad of Cable Hogue any song of Nick Cave's _Murder Ballads_
  9. ^^^ that's a dedicated fan. makes me take for granted my 2 hr car drive.
  10. it's an instrumental, but a beautiful one...Loren Connor's "Mother and Son" which can be found on the newly-reissued _Hell's Kitchen Park_.
  11. keep in mind that a lot of the time the venue takes a 30% cut, so that's one reason why prices are so high...i would guess $30 at a minimum, probably $40...
  12. dug it! esp like the Theologians bit tossed in there.
  13. yeah, i would see Colin as a good but not great songwriter, certainly not to the level of Andy. he's kinda like the Harrison to Andy's Macca/Lennon. still, as you noted above, he can certainly churn out some outstanding material.
  14. can this record possibly anything other than wretched?
  15. I strongly recommend people getting there in time on Saturday to check out Rick Bishop...the guy is a MASTER of guitar, extremely sharp-witted, and just a great all-around human. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzCqVhnenVE
  16. no, that's actually a scheduled event.
  17. hope my tongue-in-cheek statement wasn't taken the wrong way. there is an official schedule which i imagine will be unveiled shortly.
  18. on Sunday, yoga is from 11-12 in Courtyard B (weather-permitting)
  19. recently my ipod played HMD and then the Replacements' cover of "Black Diamond" right afterwards.
  20. thanks! i enjoyed the golfing story...Dale coaxing Buzz to tell it was pretty funny.
  21. oh yeah, here's my interview w/ the Melvins if anyone is interested. they are pretty funny. www.prefixmag.com/features/melvins/interview/41744/
  22. there's a 7" of Send In The Clouds which condenses it. I love the phrasing of that song I am the trick my mother played on the world Seventeen doctors couldn't decide whether I should be allowed in the game. 'buckingham rabbit' and 'the wild kindness' are immense songs.
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