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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. what a goddamn shitshow. our gov't is a complete laughingstock.
  2. is it bad that the only beer i want to drink is Trillium or Tree House?
  3. the show will go on. no opener, truckers at 9. according to the Royale facebook page, anyway.
  4. i cracked my 2nd to last one of these during Thursday's blizzard
  5. hey Virginia beer lovers... check it!
  6. more pix and a review: https://digboston.com/red-hot-chili-peppers-trombone-shorty-td-garden-07feb17/
  7. great read https://medium.com/@tuckerfitzgerald/intolerant-liberals-4ecd712ac939#.7r1v4lgp7
  8. even Drudge isn't a fan: http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/08/media/matt-drudge-republican-party/index.html?sr=twCNN020917matt-drudge-republican-party1223AMStoryLink&linkId=34286685
  9. yep. Flea's doing his best to look like Jimmy Buffet w/ that 'stache and 'do.
  10. i saw these guys last night. pretty solid show, actually.
  11. is anyone here a fan of Thinking Fellers Union Local 282? they were a very unique and hard to pigeonhole band from SF (via Iowa), who i absolutely adored in the '90s. saw them at least 5-6 times, always a treat. they could go from the skronkiest noise to the most beautiful melody, sometimes in the same song. anyway, they couldn't quite get back together again for the Matador 21 celebration/fest in Vegas in 2010, but that did get the ball rolling so they were able to play an ATP festival held in England, curated by Animal Collective. a few days before flying to the festival, they convened in B
  12. was Tortlelvis still on stage? Exene might be listening to too much Alex Jones. and by too much, i mean any. http://www.spin.com/2014/05/x-exene-cervenka-santa-barbara-mass-shooting-hoax-gun-control/
  13. another great moment in my lifetime.
  14. enjoy! i dug the show the other night, Le Bon's esp (Presley's show didn't quite do it for me... much prefer the White Fence material).
  15. that and All World Cowboy Romance were on the bubble.
  16. we had a rough beginning (cf Allmans thread) but i am leaning #teamjwharding now.
  17. i don't think our religious fundamentalist overlords are in favor of couch touring.
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