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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Bitching? Most of those comments are just pretty funny banter. Big thumbs up to the person who made that Jack Handey reference. Made my day.
  2. holy crap... did anyone else not know about this monstrosity, this heinous act against humanity? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-93Ck62tsGQ
  3. right on, i might swing by there... gotta see when my friend from NH is gonna get there.
  4. at the 2011, a friend of mine and i got to interview Syl Johnson... what a character that guy is. check it if you'd like: http://www.prefixmag.com/features/al-green-syl-johnson-wilco/syl-johnson-talks-numero-group-corrupt-record-labe/55370/
  5. maybe see you tonight, WRP. we can talk about Social D.
  6. #ONFLEEK i think Boston got Reverend Horton Heat on that bill instead. kind of a wash, really.
  7. i've seen 'em three times, against my will. they also opened for Screaming Trees and Foo Fighters.
  8. they are so leaden... unbelievably boring, three chord plod rock. #hardpass
  9. yeah the crowd was so not into SY for the most part, but i thought they sounded fine (i recall TMoore saying something derogatory towards the Grammys, which were being held that night i think - yep, they were). pretty good setlist: http://www.sonicyouth.com/mustang/cc/022091.html i never saw them do even a half-assed show.
  10. yeah i went to two but for some odd reason SY didn't play the Boston show at the Garden (which is why we also went to PVD). and fuck Social Distortion... what a terrible band. Supposedly Thurston was lobbying to have Nirvana be the opener but obv that didn't happen.
  11. i just started it last night, and watched the first two episodes. hooked. great to hear this Drones song at the end of the 2nd episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRu7yh7IQZk
  12. Neil can throw some noise here and there, but he's never come close to creating a beast of beauty and horror like "Expressway To Your Skull."
  13. Uncle Acid and the deadbeats Desert Ceremony I'll Cut You Down Poison Apple Over and Over Again Mt. Abraxas
  14. yeah, the first year was so much more relaxed, and the band members were often out and about, checking out shows and generally just walking around the grounds. now they tend to stick to the backstage area in the building between Joe's Field and the larger courtyard stage. i esp enjoyed the opportunity as press to attend the press conference the first two years and ask questions. got one of my favorite offstage shots from that as well.
  15. followed up by the Pavement song! i tried to ballot box stuff a different one ("Silence Kit") but was equally happy that "Cut Your Hair" was selected. that was a really fun evening.
  16. SSF1, post-Saturday night... a friend of mine and I got a campsite at Savoy Mountain State Forest, and had our last beer under the stars, w/ a fair bit of shooting star activity. I *rarely* ever see any, despite being there with other people who always do, but there were plenty that night.
  17. Tar, the Jesus Lizard and all things Albini. that is all.
  18. Ski-dian. I like it. Follow the snow to the drift-filled land
  19. i used to mountain bike a ton, both XC and DH... some of the best riding i've ever done was out in the Les Gets/Morzine area in the Alps. but kids kinda put a halt to that, and i never was able to get my boys into riding (well, my oldest is into road riding a little bit). now my outdoor exercise is mainly skiing. gotta log more miles on the bike this summer. photography, but that's no surprise. i like to cook, but basically all i do is look for interesting recipes. i'm no savant who can whip up a tasty meal by looking in the cupboard/fridge and finding some crackers, a wilted piece of cele
  20. Lenny Kravitz performing a 'special tribute' to Prince qualifies for big news?
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