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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. BT has the most songs; ergo, the sane choice.
  2. (wrong jersey, but you take what you can find)
  3. maybe i didn't see the thread, but no discussion on this? vote here (i bet Being There wins): http://solidsoundfestival.com/
  4. interesting story, and i bet this would be of interest musically to some folks here. http://www.salon.com/2015/07/17/you_must_hear_this_the_new_tweedy_brothers/
  5. new Samsara Blues Experiment is sounding awesome (soundcloud link at the bottom of the page) http://theobelisk.net/obelisk/2017/05/04/samsara-blues-experiment-one-with-the-universe-review/
  6. Trump's freelancing now? i really doubt they would play. can you imagine how horrible Plant would sound, trying to sing the old songs?
  7. our man John w/ Eddie, Will Dailey and a few I don't know.
  8. just going through the photos now... that was a pleasant surprise. this was my 3rd or 4th HSCM event i've been to, and by far the best musically. here's a shot of John w/ Hilken Mancini on the left.
  9. New Pornographers: https://digboston.com/fotobom-the-new-pornographers-waxahatchee-house-of-blues-25apr17/ PJ Harvey https://digboston.com/fotobom-pj-harvey-house-of-blues-17apr17/ Mark Eitzel/Howe Gelb: http://bigtakeover.com/concerts/mark-eitzel-and-howe-gelb-once-somerville-ma-tuesday-april-11-20167 and, er, Deadmau5 https://digboston.com/fotobom-deadmau5-tsongas-arena-10apr17/
  10. yeah i've seen Doug a couple of times as well as his previous band Mmoss twice too. he's good.
  11. jokes are no fun when no one gets them. there's gotta be a Celts fan around here somewhere, right?
  12. you in contact w/ Henry? he's a good dude. I finally met him in person at an ATP festival a few years back.
  13. Jay Bennett is not walking through that door Pitino voice>
  14. Giant Sand Thin Line Man October Anywhere Happenstance Paved Road To Berlin Wearing The Robes of the Bible Black tough one... a lot of songs to choose from.
  15. he played in Woods for a while, and also was in a band called The Babies w/ Cassie from Vivian Girls.
  16. there's always some meat and potatoes guys out there.
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