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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. I can confirm that Billy gives a pretty sturdy handshake.
  2. with Billy Bragg also playing the festival, it was bound to happen. set closer of "California Stars."
  3. a lot of this season seemed to be art imitating life. my wife and i have been watching Big Little Lies. i like it. the editing and the flow of the series is engaging. but damn those scenes w/ Nicole Kidman's character can be brutal to watch.
  4. finally listening to this. not essential but i like the different perspective on the songs, esp "Sky Blue Sky." i'd be down for additional LPs in this nature.
  5. blue LED lighting plays havoc w/ camera sensors. the color is all blocked and super saturated.
  6. sounds like a bad gospel song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMJbiPblQ7I
  7. Touch of Grey Shakedown Street Samba In The Rain France Easy Answers
  8. Review up on (the back from the dead) Prefixmag.com http://www.prefixmag.com/reviews/together-at-last/203962/
  9. I wish. Had my hip replaced four days ago.
  10. Yeah preordering makes sense if you want a limited pressing version. But it should get there by release date regardless
  11. in one of those strange twists of life, i went to a very small show last night in Cambridge, at Zuzu (Feral Ohms and Major Stars, in case anyone was curious)... there were probably 40 people there if that? one of those people was Henry Owings, the creator of the "We're All In This Together" design, who was up from Atlanta. I told him about the SSF shirt movement, and he was psyched and said those shirt sales have raised a lot of money for charity. rock on.
  12. i checked out the set list... and i guess our definition of 'old stuff' differs quite a bit. i get that it was an abbreviated festival set, but they totally ignore their first seven records at routine headlining gigs...
  13. nice! i am bummed i am missing Jason's show as well. i've never seen him solo and he's got some good songs.
  14. looks like i'll be missing this one...
  15. Feral Ohms and Major Stars. that's how you kick off a work week.
  16. Queens of the Stone Age In The Fade Regular John ... Like Clockwork Better Living Through Chemistry I Sat By The Ocean
  17. your NP prodded me. a friend of mine at the Kikagaku Moyo show was telling me i needed to see the Boogarins when they play boston soon.
  18. wow that's pretty surprising. is it over, or is someone else gonna take the reins?
  19. 40 Days was on the bubble... The first three are solid locks. i like the new record, but need to spend more time w/ it. tough to do when a bunch of new records showed up in the last few weeks.
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