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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. in case anyone wants to read what i had to say about the Roger Waters show, or just look at some photos: https://digboston.com/fotobom-roger-waters-td-garden-27sep17/
  2. no i didn't include that one but it's a great tune. 'never been so insulted in my whole life!'
  3. i hope they play this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIoEpHsnmdQ
  4. the amount of people caught off-guard and offended by the political content of Roger Waters' show is hilarious and perplexing.
  5. i have a bit of a problem w/ some of the production on that record. i love O'Rourke's sound and would be happy if they used him on every record. i'd also be curious to have Albini do an EP for them.
  6. "But that was from our first album, which a lot of you probably don't know. So we'll just keep working through different albums until we get to one you're familiar with." Jeff is a funny man.
  7. religious liberty, as long as you agree it's the one he holds to be true.
  8. WRP, i don't think they are. when you get on the 3DD board, head over to the Other Music sub-forum and look for the Spotify playlist thread.
  9. if any of you are also on the Drive-By Trucker/3 Dimes Down board, Cortez has been painstakingly making some great Spotify playlists by calendar year.
  10. on the other hand, i think a pretty strong argument could be made that the first three or so records are generally a band's strongest, and then a slow, inevitable decline takes place. so don't tarry!
  11. that's a valid critique (his inability to leave the mid-tempo chug). curious, do you like The War On Drugs?
  12. great story, thank you for sharing it. i hope your son has a great time at the show, and i wish you and your family the best as you rebuild your life.
  13. i gotta admit that i didn't spend enough time w/ the last one... should revisit it. "Pretty Pimpin'" is probably the catchiest song he's ever written. it got a ton of airplay on SiriusXM and deservedly so. i'm still a bit partial to his loner Neil Young/On The Beach moments, like "Space Forklift" and "Blackberry Song" and "Even My Best Friends," which also includes one of my favorite snips of lyrics (We tried to school you but you just cut class). i also forgot to include "He's Alright" which is another fave of mine.
  14. here's a quick Spotify playlist i just pulled together... hope you dig. https://open.spotify.com/user/tinnitus_photo/playlist/2Q44EMPMTAdooDWSrx8afc
  15. Had the great pleasure of seeing him perform six times. He was always humble and appreciative of the people who came to see him. I missed the pre-show he did before Newport Folk Fest started but saw him a day or two later backstage at the fest. He looked frail. Sad day today. I've posted a couple photos of him on my instagram today and might do a couple more.
  16. tweet's down. what did it say, "Where's Tupac?"?
  17. i guess that explains the random shin-breaker steel pipe that's sticking out of the ground near the photo pit...
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