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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. and Mikal Cronin!! his first two records are essential.
  2. photos of my trip if you are interested: http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/p299681672
  3. maybe sometimes, the woman grabs and kisses the man. sorry, i don't think that a fairly ambiguous situation like Franken's is the place for zero tolerance, unlike the Weinsteins/Seagals/Allens/Cosbys/CKs of the world.
  4. the voters of MN should decide his fate. the first accusation certainly has more than a whiff of political motivation, given her appearances on Hannity and the like. the rehearsed kiss? who really knows what happened there. the photo just seems sophomoric rather than actual groping. i mean, would you feel up a sleeping woman in front of a guy w/ a camera and others around? we'll see what the latest accusation turns up. if we are going all-in on a policy of zero tolerance regardless of when it happened, then we might as well get ready for a giant turnover in our government positions.
  5. The Ups. Noise band featuring Fuck as the singer, Screw as the drummer, and Cock as the other drummer.
  6. Thingvellir is the park. i went two summers ago. only got as far out from reykjavik as Gulfoss. wanna get back and go out further.
  7. goddamn were Hot Snakes a blast. incredible band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNVy4CcByiM
  8. great essay by Patterson. http://bittersoutherner.com/into-the-perilous-night-patterson-hood
  9. i listened to most of it today on the drive into work. he should do a WTF one as well.
  10. yeah i thought that fell into the 'hot take' category.
  11. because Green had some missteps and the songs i heard via the radio of AFTP and Monster onward weren't enough to divert my attention from other records.
  12. i realized after reading that CoS list that i've not heard five or so of those records.
  13. damn. for me, this is like choosing between Trump or a flaming dumpster fire. pretty easy choice.
  14. i hope you are talking about watching Stranger Things w/ the kids and not Black Mirror...
  15. i stopped buying REM records at Green. "Camera" was far too low on that ranking of REM songs.
  16. enjoy, the show i saw this weekend was great. https://digboston.com/fotobom-courtney-barnett-and-kurt-vile-the-orpheum-04nov17/
  17. i interviewed Howe a few years back before a show... that was a great conversation. caught up w/ him for a quick photo last year before the show w/ Mark Eitzel. btw, i totally agree w/ you about Calexico... i lost interest right around Carried To Dust. they used to be a huge favorite of mine.
  18. i love that guy. he's made so many great records but no one knows of him. or barely.
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