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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. if you don't think that Pollard was the greatest songwriter at some point in his life, consider "Do The Earth" and "He's The Uncle" were both obscure b sides...
  2. I made a couple of GBV playlists a few years ago Old: https://open.spotify.com/user/tinnitus_photo/playlist/2fYoIxKYG4OLTPXNk1ZcZS New: https://open.spotify.com/user/tinnitus_photo/playlist/1ecEuHRh5J8xXYvNq7jrM9
  3. it was one of the more surreal things i've ever seen on tv. this morning i saw a chryon on CNN of a poll that 61% of current Trump supporters say they'll never disapprove of him. we're screwed.
  4. i would give you these 5 to start: Alien Lanes Bee Thousand Our Cubehouse Still Rocks Not In My Airforce Propeller live, they are a blast.
  5. i find it pretty hard to believe that people wouldn't like Ozzy's book, as it was fucking hilarious. what didn't you like about it?
  6. I Am Ozzy is a great read. wasn't all that excited about Iommi's book. definitely. unfortunately i'll be on a plane heading east so i'll miss it.
  7. i'd be into seeing Ozzy's set but nothing else excites about that lineup.
  8. probably unlikely, but is anyone else here going to Psycho Las Vegas next week? https://www.vivapsycho.com/
  9. there are only certain people with the necessary training and fortitude to be able to listen to these recordings. a member of the general populace? they'd be annihilated.
  10. kinda plodding... i prefer Glen's version, but figured people might not have heard this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt6mK4PwmYg
  11. personally i think it's kinda stupid. when i listen to or even think about music, "supremacy" is not my main concern. his main point of this treatise is greater mainstream acceptance of Phish? really?
  12. i've got all teh Beach House records on play... pretty mellow tunes on a Monday is a good match.
  13. Neurosis, Converge and Amenra. It's like a micro edition of Roadburn 2016.
  14. because I don't. ~1:30 for relevant content, but it's worth seeing the whole thing, if only for the WTF factor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ECN4ZE9-Mo
  15. Because it takes five hours to get out of the parking lot.
  16. they were surprisingly good a couple of weeks ago.
  17. a few photos from their set: i was gonna post one of Nels but i like that last Tweedy photo too much. more here of all the bands: http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/nff2017_day2
  18. It's on setlist.fm Too lazy to cut and paste from my phone. Nice set but the short curfew at NFF means an abbreviated set. Nice to see Bull Black Nova again!
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