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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. thanks! hopefully my editor will publish my review w/ the rest of the photos soon, but in the meantime, here's another.
  2. "it's hard to vent them" makes you think..... https://www.facebook.com/msnbc/videos/1066241166805468/
  3. dude, really? ok, we can play this game. let's kill all the gays, because 'god' says so!
  4. thanks!! it was a really fun show to shoot. visual mayhem everywhere.
  5. do you think there are more of these types now, as compared to 20 years ago? if so, what do you think the reason is?
  6. Please point out where I blamed American for all the world's problems. I believe I was pretty specific (as was John Smith).
  7. there is your answer, Mr Hixter. i definitely disagree w/ Obama's policies on drone strikes. they've done far more damage than 'good.'
  8. so you are cool w/ the collateral, and have no solutions to stopping terrorism other than using the established means that makes more of them? ok. you sound like a republican. good work here.
  9. so how does bombing help stop the internal recruitment? how would you possibly stop this? maybe we should ask the Israelis... they have seemed to get a really good handle on stopping suicide bombers over in jerusalem. the entire premise is so quixotic and just plays to revenge fantasies. kinda like how most of the concealed carry permit holders feel, like their own little version of Charles Bronson. it's utter horseshit.
  10. well i am pretty sure that maintaining 'unconquered' status will be pretty easy and won't necessitate escalation of military actions in foreign lands. on the last point, it sounds a lot like you would have been a staunch proponent of the jap-am internment camps in WWII or Operation Wetback.
  11. so how do you define 'not losing'? we can't solve the world's problem, but we've got a decent track record of creating and/or exacerbating some of them. i didn't realize that Madison authorized drone strikes. do 'outside forces' include US citizens?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHtpU4aABPI
  13. go 'murica! tell me Hixter, which bombing campaigns have worked? viet nam? afghanistan? or do you want a full-on, boots on the ground war in whatever countries ISIS happens to reside? it's a game of whack-a-mole with zero possibility of winning. all it boils down to is a massive recruitment drive.
  14. who created ISIS? but a better question is, what is the strategy that will work? I'm pretty sure the right wing is on the wrong track. http://prospect.org/article/terrorism-truths-no-politician-will-admit
  15. Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz (aka Wayne and co.)
  16. my guess is some high roller pulled most of that weight. i can't imagine assembling 30 people each willing to fork over 3.4K for a show.
  17. holy scheisse! bbop, the auction only looked like it was for one show. there are four?
  18. Rubio is spending a lot on TV ads in NH, but apparently his ground operations are really, really thin. we'll see what happens.
  19. is Used Kids still in Columbus too? i only have been there once but got some good shit.
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