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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Maine or NH? Because they were in front of me at the Capitol Theatre show on the WTA tour.
  2. right on. give Emil a high five for me.
  3. paid insane $ for Sabbath tickets last night for my two sons and me. wife wasn't interested, esp at the price.
  4. get there early enough to see Holy Sons!!
  5. i was thinking of seeing them but that record did zilch for me. so i passed and watched the Pats game last week instead.
  6. here's the full gallery... Terrie can't play with six strings since the tuning peg is missing! http://photos.tinnitus-photography.com/p593011026
  7. It Still Moves. the live Okonokos (sp?) is a great set, too.
  8. downloading them now. fantastic show!!
  9. nice! Minibeast is a great band too. have fun! i'll be up in NH seeing Ken Vandermark and The Ex
  10. that's a sticky ball of weirdness. gotta say i don't listen to those records much. but i'll do what i can
  11. does Spotify keep crashing for anyone else? I kept bombing out of it last week while trying to make a playlist, so i uninstalled and re-installed. that worked. but trying to play songs today had the program crash twice during playback... aggravating to say the least, as i pay for the stupid thing.
  12. no, the saturday seats are the great ones. i ended up getting just one ticket for friday's show, mezzanine center right, 3rd row. not sure what i'll do w/ that one yet... probably give it to a friend, assuming i can get approved to cover the show.
  13. when i shot the Garbage show on Wednesday i checked out where my seats were. totally pumped for this!
  14. that's a bit funny. i wish i had seen that quote before i interviewed Gustav last week!
  15. you are very lucky to have foudn a ticket for $10 over face on stubhub, as w/ their cuts, that seller definitely lost money on a show that is not gonna happen for a few months.
  16. i hear you, but can tell you that i am not a scalper and don't have the two tickets i bought today up at Stubhub. i did get shut out of seats last week (wed, thurs, and friday). well, i tossed back two pretty bad seats on friday, so i guess i could have bought two. but decided to test my luck again. all i can say is to try tmrw and friday as well. also keep in mind that they played the same venue 13 years ago and have played larger venues since then (B of A Pavilion, Tanglewood, Agganis, Wang).
  17. Hixter, who would you vote for in the Republican primary?
  18. a friend of mine missed out on the first one and will be traveling on Friday so he can't try for tickets for the 2nd show... if anyone has single GA tickets to either or both nights that they are looking to sell, please let me know and i'll get you two in touch. thanks!
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