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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. yeah but if he were after-alive, he woulda been right. But he's not, so he was wrong. "knowing" is just wordplay.
  2. if you were a captain tied to a mast it would be because your crew has mutinied. And it gets cold at night on the high seas, matey. not to mention lonely if you're the captain and yer crew has just mutinied.
  3. O.k., does anyone hear an awful squeak at 1:57? It sounds like Nels accidentally hit a string when he wasn't supposed to and they forgot to edit it out. Now, I know that they wouldn't have missed something like this, but I'm still hearing the squeaky squawk. it's just before the "outside i look lived in" verse. what gives?
  4. went straight to this one today, then played OSM, then listened to the whole record in order.
  5. this is way off base. he didn't even use the phrase "ashes of..." once. Not a single mention of rehab or migraines. "The American Radiohead" doesn't make an appearance either. obviously dude has not done his homework.
  6. I'm not even going to attempt something so ridiculous and impossible as narrowing it down to ten. However, the talk here about Radio cure has been interesting. Personally, my first copy of YHF was one a friend burned for me (can i say that here?). There was no tracklisting. For a long time, I had a hard time differentiating one song from another. That's not exactly true, as I made no attempt whatsoever to differentiate between the songs. I would just put in the disc and immerse myself completely in Yankee Hotel Foxtrot reality which was quite different than reality reality. It was only a
  7. so I was enjoying the fading days of summer today. Took my wife's laptop and was doing some work by the river next to the church. This song was on my ipod and at the exact moment (i meant precisely EXACTLY exact) when Jeff sings "I can hear those bells" the church bells started to ring. I backtracked to see if it was a recording detail that i'd missed before. It wasn't. I checked the time. noon. the bells were actually ringing. Weird.
  8. i just thought that because it rhymed it counted as two. Oh well. I tried.
  9. "I know I won't be the last cold captain tied to the mast" that's probably two lines so I guess I broke the rules. So ban me if you must.
  10. ever heard of the Battle Hymn of the Republic?
  11. I'm interested to see how much Pat actually plays on the record. In the "Almost" vid it doesn't look like he plays at all, and it seems like everything i'm hearing is or could be nels, jeff, or mike depending on song/instrument.
  12. If people are going to be required to make sense around here it wouldn't be much fun.
  13. If you're talking about that cover version by the someone someone and the uptown sound or whatever they're called, i believe you. my confession is that i've been skipping art of almost most times i listen to the new record.
  14. I think there are 3 weak tracks: black moon, standing o, and rising red lung. The rest is solid.
  15. Maybe he just likes the sound of her name. I admit i'd never heard of her before this, and thought the name was a fiction. On the other hand, maybe it was to pin it to reality, letting the listener know that it is based on a true story, as they say.
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