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Everything posted by !goose!

  1. For whatever reason being the only kid in school to have this record in my CD player made me some sort if a nerd.
  2. Sub-par wilco album. Hmmmm(gears turning)... lets not go there.
  3. this one caught me off gaurd. its probably old news ('07) but anyway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ECN4ZE9-Mo
  4. impossible germany. nels cline (lead guitar) does a solo at the end of it that is just so great.
  5. My Darling Leave Me (Like You Found Me) I Thought I Held You Stetson Kennedy Speak Into The Rose Dash 7 Standing O
  6. OK those of you who do not like WTA listen again and realize that JT must have some sort of extra lobe in his brain that is stricktly devoted to writing melodies. oh and BBN is fine once in a while (its the layers ppl) and my "set killer" is 100% radio cure. Also why doesnt anyone complain about having to hear HMD and ITMWLY every night?
  7. We should all learn a valuable lesson from adrock's failure to do a little bit of homework/basic research. Thanks and happy new year.
  8. The story of how bob got fired made me laugh so hard. Jeff can be such an d bottle. Seriouly poor bob. Anyway i know jeff had mentioned that he knew his days at reprise were pretty much over when he walked into the lobby at the label's headquarters and there was a giant ryan adams poster above the receptionist's desk. Wilco never did get that wallflowers sound going for them. Darn
  9. Im having trouble getting it to work, so did every support person i talked to. anyone get this?
  10. I'm thinking of getting a 4G device if only for streaming wilco from sooutoftune.org and wilcoworld. I spend alot of time in the car so wilco shows on demand would be just awesome. Any thoughts? would it really work if im constantly on the move?
  11. KT = great versions of ashes, airline and muzzle of bees. Anyone else out there think that the grand opera house show in wilmington was the greastest? I was at that show and listened to the bootleg probably 300+ times not exaggerating. My one friend who I burned it for called it "just perfect". It is.
  12. im still waiting for a pepperoni pizza
  13. We are all willing to pay, its true. However, getting new converts (your friends) in the door was easy with 35 dollar tickets. Going forward who knows.
  14. when did wilco tickets go up to 55 dollars? is this the new price for all shows ga included?
  15. wilco already is classic rock. the title of the article/blog should be MODERN BANDS EVERY OLDIES FAN SHOULD TRY: WILCO
  16. hmmm i feel that way about SBS in that i really cannot listen to it. the live versions of those songs are so much better and really there are a couple duds on it. it is however the record that gelled this lineup and took the band to the pinnacle of its career.
  17. In leiu of any sort of "break" now is the time to dust off WTA. It's beyond brilliant in the new post whole love context.
  18. Outta Site Outta mind video on MTV circa 1996 (I was 16). AM, Being There and that first BR5-49 record was all I listened to my senior year in High School.
  19. Bailey's makes a delicious french vanilla creamer.
  20. you must use headphones for this one
  21. This record is the masterpiece I've been waiting for Wilco to make.
  22. Is there any chance the guitar solo on Standing O , since its two guitars doing a call and response (sounds like nels in the left speaker and pat in the right, but i guess it could be jeff) would be done live in the context of hoodoo voodoo?
  23. hmmmm.... were we all having this discussion with YHF? BTW was it Pat that bought the Glockenspiel?
  24. At this point I think we owe this band at least some blind elegance. However, If we we are making an REM comparison, I sort of got the same feeling about WTA and this record as I did when I heard Monster and every record after that.
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