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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I have a feeling Sharon is really the one behind the lawsuit. I read somewhere that Tony has owned the name for a long time, so it seems odd that Ozzy is doing this now. His solo career seems to be in the toilet, so that may also have something to do with it. I doubt the Osbourne family is hurting for money. From Eddie Trunk's site: .
  2. Amazon has the following listed: Amazon US link (Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only) Amazon UK link (Region: All Regions) Of course, Thrasher's Wheat is really the place to get all the answers.
  3. I think that refers to a stream of the new album. You can probably find an Mp3 rip of the album on an Mp3 Blog, if you do a search.
  4. Check out the film A Day In The Life Of The Edge.
  5. U2 Rehearsal Clips (link to the official U2 site)
  6. I forgot I read about this when the message board was down. I figure this will kill any original Black Sabbath line-up shows or albums happening any time soon:
  7. He said he had to do it in order for the tracks to work on the game. I guess his Dad was a bit taken back when he first heard the tracks after they had been changed. My understanding is that it was done for the game only, not the cd re-issues.
  8. There is an article in the new issue of Rolling Stone about the game. In the article, Giles Martin talks somewhat about what he had to do with the tracks. Apparently, they have to be separated in order for them to be playable in the game. So he had to split all the tracks up, thus changing the way they have been heard all of these years. I may buy the cds, but I am in no way interested in a Beatles video game.
  9. I'm not a fan of big photos posted on message boards, so I didn't mess with it. Also, I don't have iTunes, so I don't think the iTunes link above takes you to the Wilco pre-order. If someone could fix that link, that would be cool.
  10. I noticed there is an error message at log in, but it just goes away and then I am logged in.
  11. I don't know about that - I missed the Neil film, and I get upset if I can't watch Magnum P.I. every night.
  12. I can't imagine sitting through The Rime of The Ancient Mariner that many times. You certainly don't see too many priests that are into metal and have tattoos. I guess he is a bit disturbed. I still have a Number Of The Beast tapestry that sound dude in art class made back in the day and gave to me.
  13. Flight 666 (the whole movie is on Youtube)
  14. It's in the liner notes - I think. I have read that he had never played the banjo before cutting that track. I didn't get to see the film, as my TV is not working very well these days.
  15. I have listened to Rush and Yes since I was a kid, but I never used the label prog rock. I just call them rock bands. Which is sort of odd I suppose, as I do use other labels - such as metal or whatever. I guess when I was introduced to Rush and Yes, the people that taught me about them did not use the label prog rock. I'm not much of a fan of polished rock music, but I do rather like those the bands I mentioned. I have been on a Moody Blues kick lately, I think they were also called progressive - at least at some point in their career, any how.
  16. I think there are several people around here who like them. I don't think they are a metal band though.
  17. They got together last winter. I think that was it.
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