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roadhse ma

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Everything posted by roadhse ma

  1. Will Thompson still be on the Bill when they hit Mansfield Ma from what I read its MMJ Wilco Dylan btw as much as I like Charlie being back w/Dylan Duke is a local it would have been a nice homecoming but I guess not to be. C Ya in Mansfield grilling ...
  2. Although it was eerily quiet walking through the Boston Gardens last night after the game between the Bruins and the Sabres At Boston Garden earlier it was not at all quiet during the National Anthem prepare to be a a little choked up http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/17/national-anthem-bruins-fans-boston_n_3104964.html
  3. On the Boston News late last night I saw a NY LOVES* BOSTON Oversized Message Lighted upon a NYC bldg last Night *shape of a Heart and baseball logo's No One knows more about this as a City than NYC It is Classy & Appreciated Last night at the Chicago Blackhawks game a moment of silence was held in observance of the Boston Tragedy a moment of respectful silence then a loud and proud rendition of our National Anthem. It is Classy & Appreciated http://wgnradio.com/... ... nd-anthem/ We will not allow this to make us live in fear as we are back to work in the city today.
  4. On the Boston News late last night I saw a NY LOVES* BOSTON Oversized Message Lighted upon a NYC bldg last Night *shape of a Heart and baseball logo's No One knows more about this as a City than NYC It is Classy & Appreciated Last night at the Chicago Blackhawks game a moment of silence was held in observance of the Boston Tragedy a moment of respectful silence then a loud and proud rendition of our National Anthem. It is Classy & Appreciated http://wgnradio.com/2013/04/15/united-c ... nd-anthem/ We will not allow this to make us live in fear as we are back to work in the city to
  5. A Great thread thanks for posting about the Home of the Blues Master. "Aint no one writing songs today like Muddy" Bo Diddley said that to me in 97 at Harpers Ferry in Brighton I will never forget it Keep up the good work!
  6. Ok im the original poster yep I love the Song there I said it However I just don't get this pee brk song chatter. Wilco Live for me always tough to make the run to to the Mens room to me they are akin to having a Solid Baseball Team with a Great Pitcher and Offense. You don't want to miss a Pitch nor a Hit So yep I just drink less beer at both events!
  7. Besides being a Great Song, and a Looked forward to Must Have In Concert Song.. What do you think he is singing about .. Forgive me if it's been brought up prior.... oops wrong forum Moderator please move .. sorry folks Im a little fuzzy today Patriots fan in Recovery from last nights debacle
  8. and you know what coming from a teen in the late late 70's They are Better ! So as the saying goes sometimes you don/t know what you've got till you lose it all Enjoy them go see them Live Man I wished they played one more x in NE this yr on the way to Europe Here's a nice link to an underwatched War on War from Letterman (judging from youtube count) But now it will riSE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR9s4OGIRP0
  9. C'mon People it took me a Single minute to do this Give them & Glen Some Support Tanks Mon!
  10. Same here Just heard Bill Lee Interviewed last week on Johnny Pesky passing. Back on Topic. I was a kid and my parents allowed us to watch as much as was available of those Grainy Pics of the Moon Landing & Walk It totally influenced me as a kid in Dorchester MA As I type this some decades since, I sit next to a Very Nice Meade Telescope. So Thanks for your inspiration Neil Armstrong! (I will wink at the Moon tonight) RIP .
  11. This will be a short lived Thread but I felt it Deserved it's own as it's sort of a Homecoming Show After a Historical Europe Run (One Concert Clocked in at 4:06) and yep he got his Power Cut onstage w/ Macca Jungleland was re introduced 1x in Europe to a very Happy Audience SO now it's Back in the US At last count on a THread I have on www.backstreets.com we have 20 States represented in the Stands and 3 Countries (2 European no surprise) If you are a member (a Btxr) Please consider coming to Our Pre Show Party for a Cause (the Greater Boston Foodbank) Last Boston Bruce Show raised e
  12. Thoughts.. The Venue is Great! The Sound People deserve good pay. (Our Seats were on John 's SIde about 15 rows from stage) Band played the usual tight format w/ very little banner from Tweedy I was happy no one asked him tell us a story like last Friday in Newport We did Clap I Mean WE It was Bruce Like Crowd for a Few Moments to the Opening of Heavy Metal Drummer With just about everyone into it Tweedy did comment You Guys are the Best Clappers of the entire Tour ON This One then quickly added The Other Crowds sucked at clapping on this one The Setlist was a Keeper Started mellow and smoo
  13. Great Pic Wonderful Show for the most part Fun and respectful Crowd I Aggree w/ other's about Beer Lines : poorly mngd Should have been a cash line and CC line, and Someone w/ a Counter O/a well worth the Drive! The Sunset /Sailboats and the light reflecting off the granite all added to the Fine Music! See you in CT and that;s a wrap for the yr for me
  14. roadhse ma


    Our Turn ! So im in a great little Cambridge MA Club (toad) last night wearing a Wilco T shirt During a Quiet moment a guy comes over and says he's going tonight. He's the 4th person from Cambridge I know heading down ... something in the water..... Here's to a Good Night!
  15. roadhse ma


    Driving in from Boston This has been a Standout Circled Date on my Calendar for awhile I join others in hopes of No Rain No Rain! However it is a 50/50 chance Of rain at curtain x according to most up to date forecast so bring a Poncho and a smile! It is my hope to arrive round 6
  16. Glen Has Sung some Great ones imo Galveston Gentle on my Mind Witchita Lineman He was warmly recvd here in Boston in the late winter for a Sold Out show at a 2.5m Venue As of last week due to his increasing memory loss he is cutting his tour short. Up till now he was traveling together to every venue with his Wife and Kids. I loved watching the DVD I bought of the Glen Cambell Show esp when Johnny Cash made appearances!!
  17. Sooo Glad I read this! Thnx for posting!! Seeing them as many of you are (from NE and Beyond e.g. Wilco Me)..... This Friday in Newport !! Hoping for dry skies
  18. Hey Boston Proper seen them but 1x since 08 Anytime I want to see them recently I need to to Drive Outta State this summer 2 diff States Philly hang in there//// as we Springsteen Fans say ; Faith will be Rewarded (eventually)
  19. Yep pretty close to my Dream Setlist.. So very much looking Forward to Newport Outta State road trip ! Looks like a Long Show what about 2:10?
  20. Thanks for the Setlist It appears that they stretched out a bit; 26 songs Guessing they went about 2:20 Loving that!
  21. Whale Watch out of the Aquarium Tour Fenway Park (almost every day of the Week) Cruise the Harbor check local listings Catch a show together Under the Tent at waterfront Bank of America PAvilion (Wilco played there on SBS tour as did Cash 2cd to last concert performance)
  22. Happy Birthday America! Have a Safe & Happy One Start your Grills....
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