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Everything posted by twoshedsjackson

  1. Cool! We booked our room a week or so ago. I had a feeling it would be that weekend.
  2. I saw them in '88 opening for Aerosmith. They were great.
  3. I'm amazed he carried on as long as he did. I saw them back in 1990 and he was singing at a speaking volume. They had his mic cranked WAY up. I honestly figured that was their last tour, at least with him. Despite the vocal shortcomings though, they were mighty good that night. Angus is always in top form.
  4. My wife and I stayed there Fiday and Saturday. It's a great hotel! We were on the top floor, with a corner room overlooking the old cemetary. What a great run of shows. It was close to our anniversary, so we made a nice weekend of it. The two Boston shows (and a visit to the spectacular Museum of Fine Arts), then Sunday in New Haven. I went to night 2 in Port Chester with a friend who'd never seen Wilco live, and as expected his mind was blown. Full, rabid convert.
  5. A beautiful cover. The audience singing along gave me chills. Thanks for posting that.
  6. Wilco for the next three nights!
  7. He was referring to me. I guess it's childish to get angry when someone posts a picture of a needlessly killed animal. I think I've finally reached my breaking point with this place. I've met some really nice people on here and will continue to keep in touch with them, but as of now I'm out of here. At least for a while. Best wishes to most of you, Brian
  8. Ugh. Know what I love? Hunting accidents. Trophy hunters are sad, inadequate dicks.
  9. Then why is the right so quick to call Muslims terrorists without any knowledge of their individual mental state while I've never ever heard a republican (or even a democrat) politician use the term Christian Terrorist?
  10. Islamic killer: Not crazy at all. Represents billions of Muslims worldwide. Christian killer: Mentally ill. Not representative of any other Christians. Got it.
  11. There's a LOT of overlap. Surely you concede there's a double standard in the way these lunatics are labeled, though?
  12. A non-religious medical professional might. So a suicidal & homicidal person is only mentally ill if they're not killing in the name of Allah? If my dog tells me to kill I'm crazy, but if God's whispering in my ear I'm just a perfectly rational terrorist?
  13. Yes they most certainly are. They're willing to kill and be killed for their religious beliefs. I think that qualifies as mentally ill regardless of their organizational abilities or size. Republicans have been losing their collective shit over Obama avoiding the term "Islamic Terrorists" yet they'll admit no connection whatsoever between this guy's religion or politics and his actions. It's not surprising at all, but still transparent and disgusting. A few of them are starting to issue statements now, and STILL fueling the fire with lies about Planned Parenthood.
  14. If and when they do address it, it will be VERY carefully worded and focus on the gunman's "mental issues". They won't mention guns or his religion. If the guy hadn't killed a cop, they probably wouldn't feel compelled to comment at all. Let's just call him what he is: a Christian Terrorist. He heard the dog-whistle and responded. If he was a Muslim, the GOP would be freaking out as they did after the Paris attacks, demanding that every Muslim in the world ask forgiveness. Since he's a white Christian American, though, he'll simply be labeled mentally ill. Sickening.
  15. I'm going to assume you only had one free hand with which to type that.
  16. I understand that not every conservative voter is a Trump fan, but a sobering number of them are. To be honest though, when it comes to their ideas, especially on social and human rights issues, I dont see too much difference between Trump and the other GOP candidates. He's just loud about it. My point is that these candidates can and do spout the most hateful or outlandish lies and opinions and justify it by waving a a bible. I'm pretty sure one of them could kick a puppy on live television and get away with it if they quoted a few passages afterwards. Anyway, I should probably save it f
  17. That's easy: Jesus. Trump and the other GOP candidates know their base well, and that base is largely comprised of scared, paranoid, primitive bigots who love their holy book. It's a real shame that they can't think for a moment and reflect on how much they have in common with their Daesh counterparts. Their views on women, gays, science, faith (or lack thereof) are almost identical. Sorry if that seem a bit strong, but we've just seen a presidential candidate suggesting registering human beings based on their faith/ethnicity and gaining popularity for it. We've been down this road before
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