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Everything posted by quarter23cd

  1. The whining from the SEC this year about how "hard" it is to win down there reminds me an awful lot of all the whining from the Big Ten in past years when OSU, Michigan, Penn St, Wisconsin, Iowa, Purdue, (and sometimes MSU and Northwestern) were all very good (but none really good enough to compete on a national level) and boy we bitched and whined up a storm about how "unfair" it all was. It was a BS excuse for us back then, and that's the way it sounds to me now coming from the SEC.
  2. This is the best argument I've heard for not seeing this movie on the "big screen".
  3. Because who wouldn't love that??? I will admit, there is an uncanny resemblance between a Buckeye leaf and a pot leaf. I hear that Buckeyes aren't as good for smoking, tho.
  4. It would have been better if Hugh Laurie showed up on the scene "in character" as House and made a series of wisecracks and suggested that Cohen was just faking it, all the while allowing him to inch closer to death until finally he swooped in and performed a miracle last-second procedure to save his life.
  5. Sing it however you want, any song with the "M" word in it comes out sounding like shit.
  6. O, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan The whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio We're from Ohio...O-H We're from Ohio...I-O O, we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan The whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, we're from Ohio
  7. The Orioles got Jaret Wright from the Yankees. Yet somehow I'm not convinced this is the piece of the puzzle that will bring it all together for the O's.
  8. Once the dust has settled, maybe we can at least agree on cheering on the Big Ten representative in the Fiesta Bowl, whoever it may be. Side note: My kids were wrestling with each other yesterday and at one point the younger one executed a near-perfect takedown of her big sister. Normally I'd try to discourage such behavior, but in spirit of this week I instead reached into a drawer and gave her a sticker:
  9. Rivalry games are what makes college sports so great. The general rule of thumb for OSU/UM is to bet against the team that has more to lose. This year is pretty even, but with OSU being a season-long #1 and the fact that there is quite likely a Heisman on the line here, I'd say it puts the target more on them. Should be a great one. I honestly don't even care about the national championship game right now. To me, this is IT.
  10. OSU's offense is more open than in recent years. They need to spread the ball around to a lot of guys and not get caught up in trying to pound it up the middle (although that plays against the history of this rivalry). The defense, compared to recent years, is a strange thing--it will bend and give up yards, but it is also very opportunistic and creates a lot of turnovers. But the amazing thing about this rivalry is that none of the conventional wisdom really matters. It never seems to matter where these teams are ranked or who is favored or what people expect to see--its always a hard-
  11. I kind of doubt it. Although it really isn't particularly fair, a loss in November is a lot harder to overcome than a loss earlier in the season. Even if that loss came against a well-established #1/#2 team in the country, its pretty much a given that they will have to fall at least a couple spots in the rankings, which pretty much puts them out of contention.
  12. I know its a weird thing to say when OSU just won 54-10, but (to my eyes) they still didn't look as sharp as I had hoped. OSU/UM is going to be a good one. With Michigan's D, I'm expecting this one to be a down-tempo, grind-it-out kind of game. Its how OSU took care of Texas earlier this year, but they haven't had to be that disciplined and efficient since then. Whichever team can create a couple more big plays will win, but its gonna be a brawl. :beer
  13. I just watched the Leno clips and the bit with Martha Stuart was hysterical.(the actual "interview" was so-so) I've heard from some people that the movie isn't as good as the original Borat bitsn (which is pretty much always true), but still pretty funny. I have no idea--to me, I still only know Cohen as the guy who did the voice of the lemur-king in "Madagascar" (having kids will do that to ya) so what do I know?
  14. Can't say I blame you for that. But herein lies the paradox: if you clean them, do they lose their mystique? Soak them in bleach and then all you have are a handful of standard bathroom tiles. Maybe it was the years of accumulated urine/blood stains on them special. I can't believe I just wrote that. I'm not sure what I think about the dismantling/relocating plans. Seems destined to end up as a Hard Rock Cafe type thing.
  15. Bush: Should we tell them yet that all that political bickering was a sham and that we are actually united in our goal of crushing the entire population's will to live? Pelosi: OMG, this is the best practical joke EVAR!
  16. I thought the same thing, but decided to let it slide.
  17. With Rutgers chillin' all the way down at #13 on teh BCS list, it will be really interesting to see what happens if they win out. Will the sportswriters who have been fawning over Louisville for the last week jump on the Rutgers bandwagon, even if they don't crack the top 5 by the end of the year? I don't wanna be a hater. I like a good underdog story as much as anyone, but if OSU makes it to the title game, I have to admit that I'd be far more nervous about playing Texas, Florida, or Michigan than I would be playing Louisville or Rutgers. I'm not sure that means they shouldn't have a right
  18. Reminds me of a conversation I had with a very Republican friend during the whole Lewinsky thing. She went on and on about how a man can't be trusted to run a country if he can't be trusted to keep his sacred vows to his wife. My response was "Hey, aren't you one of those people that has been saying for years that the Clinton marriage is a sham anyway, put on for appearances to advance each other's careers? If you truly believe that, how can you get so upset about it when he breaks that supposedly-fictional trust?"
  19. Did you see those final vote tallies? Waaaaay closer than they should have been, if you ask me.
  20. I don't know why this makes me laugh. Must be slap-happy today...
  21. Gates seems like a rather "safe" choice, being somebody from Daddy's circle of influence. I wonder what would have happened if the results had gone the other way. Would Rummy still have resigned? And, if so, would they have put forward the same nominee, or gone with a more "risky" choice. Just curious.
  22. I was thinking the same thing. Bush eased up a little towards the end, but for a while there I was picturing the bulging veins on his temples. He doesn't sound like a happy camper today.
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