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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I like the whole 'hair belt' thing in the first post. I consider it the Astral Weeks of all posts in this thread.
  2. they just reshceduled my weekly call w/ Beijing from Tuesday nights to...Wednesdays at 9PM. going to have watch it online the next day.
  3. Every time I open this thread...I hear the opening riff to Spirit of Radio.
  4. They did indeed sing, but never really shut up...I think.
  5. We watched that doc on the whole Dixie Chicks debacle, 'Shut Up and Sing'. Extremely well-done and you can't help but respect them after watching it.
  6. yeah, I may go...looks like the tickets are $15 at the door, not $25. i can deal w/ that. definitely stoked about the sloan show in May. and a show at Metro means beers next door at the Gingerman, I love that place.
  7. Big Country 'Big Country' and RUSH's 'Power Windows'
  8. wait a minute...wtf is sebastian bach doing on the gilmore girls? he's been on there for 5 seasons?!
  9. So, that whole Popes reunion thing is going to stop off at my favorite neighborhood pub/eatery this Saturday (Durty Nellie's in Palatine)...I can literally walk there. Tickets at the door are pretty steep ($25) and, as i've turned into an old man, it's a late start on daylightsavingstime eve...anybody wanna' tell me it's worth it/not worth it? On a related note, Sam/Dreamin' Judy/Tualla, i'm getting the hook up for free tix to the Sloan's Metro show in May...if you can pull any strings, please tell them to bring the rock. Thanks!
  10. A. How you could have an induction ceremony for Van Halen and not have the Eddie portion of that in attendance, is beyond me. B. I watched Van Halen; LIVE w/out a Net the other night On Demand...to see that Eddie versus this one makes me sad.
  11. Two words for you all...THREE DOG NIGHT.
  12. Play 'Hell is Chrome' and then play 'Waste' from Phish's 'Billy Breathes' and there is one example for you.
  13. Three Dog Night...you are in for a ~ treat!
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