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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Absolutely. I bust d's balls all the time on here, but it has been one of the coolest musical experieinces to watch the band's progression and they really have stepped it up w/ each release. and, while i haven't made it out to see them live in a while...the band progressed from a live perspective w/ every gig I saw them play as well. highly reccomend to those who've never seen them play. plus, those glono bashes are pretty damn fun.
  2. They're only 7 mos. and as long as I sing the ABC song/Old McDonald, play the let's shout unintelligble sounds until we giggle game and stay within line of sight...they don't seem to have a care in the world. Thanks though. Being sick sucks, being sick and unable to smooch/hug/etc. your kids sucks really bad.
  3. My editor on our HS yearbook had the last name of Mullins, but we would call her Melons instead. because she had big breasts. and they sounded almost the same. i think my fever has gotten worse. one more conf call, then i'm out of here.
  4. that would be my guess, yes. before or after something went really wrong, they (scientists in the project) realized they were part of something really bad...perhaps the corporate needs started to outweigh the scientific...and they structured things so the hanso foundation couldn't use the island and/or what happened on it, for the world domineering stuff all large corporations are prone to do. personally, I think at least jack is being looked at as a resource/recruit...Kate, well i think Ben just wants to bone her/breed her...sawyer, good foot soldier or just taking him out as a potential th
  5. they think they've created a utopian society and want to maintain it...and/or they are trying to keep the island a secret from the Hanso foundation, who are the actual bad guys. just my take.
  6. 'if i knew it was that kind of party, i'da stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes.'
  7. No, it doesn't like coffee...but I do have to buy it clove cigarettes and asian pornography. Berets can be like that i guess.
  8. I haven't smoked since this came on last Saturday, my hope is I can keep that going and I go to Starbucks every damn morning...regardless of what anybody says there is a difference between really good coffee and the not so much variety. I also say 'Venti'...but they don't give beatdowns to people who come in and say 'large'....they just give them a venti and smile. bjorn, great news!
  9. i just want to say that the way you guys are sticking it to starbucks is both inspiring and a lesson in bravery.
  10. ugh, i'd forgot about daredevil. yeah, good call.
  11. i'd see it twice. for real. this ghost rider thing just doesn't seem like it has any hope of being good. honestly, i wasn't a huge fan of the comic book in the first place. it just reminds me of that awful Judge Dredd flick, the standard bearer for me on how hollywood can fuck up even the best of comic books.
  12. well, I was just peeing everywhere...that won't do the job? i know i shouldn't be here, but we have two massive product launches next week and i can't afford to be out. i don't know if i even actually have it, but the doctor said a lot of my symptoms seems to align and I did come off of having a pretty bad flu/cold not to long ago. she sent the chest x-ray to the hospital (which she said looke a tad cloudy in one little spot) and gave me some antibiotics. after tons of tests, it was nice to hear they ruled out strep, mono and meningitis.
  13. so it seems I may have pneumonia. i just thought it was stress, who knew?
  14. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565..._Languages.html yahoo search.
  15. I tell you what, picking at it from thread to thread/ post to post or posting stuff in your signature is a sure-fire way to move things in the right direction.
  16. So, i'm confused...these things ARE being taken out and that should improve things, but the educational system is on a decline. We said a pledge of allegiance w/ the word God in it, celebrated Christmas/Halloween/Thanksgiving, a moment of silent prayer was held w/ the space shuttle exploded, etc...all while finding time for math, science, metrics, evolution, etc....was the educational system worse or better then than now? c'mon.
  17. You may be right and I wouldn't be surprsied either, the guy is a creep. but as far as the maturity goes...loper, let me put it to you this way. if you were that same 16-year-old page would you have had the same exchanges, dinners with, etc. that he did?
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