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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. mmm, the amount one can overspend depends on that sure...but they can still overspend.
  2. i keep bringing this up, because it's extremely crucial to the overall picture. we are guilty of it ourselves from time to time and it why i can never point all my fingers at a great big rich guy effigy for my financial well-being.
  3. i know, dude. i will say that we probably differ in our view on just how broad said stroke is. not all ceo's and/or rich folks are bad and trying to keep the middle class down...but some are.
  4. you know i'm no fan of that type of hyperbole, but i would agree that certain business practices by certain ceo's/management have helped to facilitate a greater financial disparity, to a benefit to them (arguably, both rich and powerful in this context) and the opposite to their employees. maybe not 'pounded in the dirt', but definitely feeling like they are spinning their wheels when cost of living is at a rate that years worth of raises barely keep up or don't even cover things. i'm not saying that a ceo shouldn't make more than the guy in the cubicle or worker on the line, but i do believ
  5. awesome. how did i miss that? magic # is 2! go cubs!
  6. should my personal relationship w/ god ever become more about how i can't measure up in his eyes than him being happy w/ me trying, both of us knowing good and well that i will never be perfect...i'll start bowling w/ chris hitchens and richard dawson.
  7. true that. i like to take solace in vast possibility in those intangibles, doesn't matter to me if you can explain their eventual tangibility in science or god...as long it something postive we can all hang our collective hats on, amen or, if your so inclined, hooray. or, what einstein said.
  8. god bless america. i firmly believe in supporting your candidate via bumperstickers:
  9. good question. atheism is a disbelief in the existence of god or gods. spirituality relates to the nature of a spirit, soul and/or god. i'd say at face value, no. however, i think there is probably some grey area depending on how hardocre you are about it. like j.nick, he's not only denied existence of god, butthe concept of spirit, soul and anything that cannot be ratified by science. you think?! no love for the humble wal-mart greeter? we can't all be EMT's and/or writers willing to subject ourselves to waterboarding for 2 seconds. really though, a greater appreciation for and of the
  10. mmmm, I do believe in God and I don't feel that way at all. then again, i don't really spend too much time worrying about the 'meaning' behind life...scientifically or spiritually. my faith has helped to provide possibilities to help me cope in certain instances where 'meaning' or, maybe, a 'meaning' that actually speaks to my emotions doesn't seem to exist.
  11. i thought she was hotter on 'cheers', but sarah palin as the straightlaced teacher in the class next door was great too.
  12. my wife and i were talking about this the other day. it hit me as i was complaining about the mess we're in as a country, we personally benefitted heavily from both the recent credit card and mortgage practices of the past few years. it allowed us to get into a mortgage to won our own home before we would have ever been able to do so and reduce our credit card debt significantly via the rash of low as 0% interest rate incentives. the point is, in theory, we (and i'm sure a lot of other folks) handled these opportunities responsibly. just saying that, again, to put the ENTIRE blame on the fin
  13. invisible dragons, cosmic teapot, righteous tea, breakfast on telephone poles, the church of sir stewartism and an apperance from the lovely ava devine. this thread is fantastic, no joke.
  14. my favorite was john stewart after showing a palin clip: ' jesus, did she win a radio contest or something?' she really is...bad.
  15. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.
  16. i don't know if it's an anthem or not, but he did get 'alex chilton'...what i'd argue to be not only one of the greatest mats tunes, but rock'n'roll tunes in general.
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