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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i'm hoping the film version of mike allred's 'madman' will finally see the light of day in 2009...it's been optioned to robert rodriguez since 1998. supposedly it will be co-directed by allred and george huang (similar to the way rodriguez co-directed Sin City with frank miller) and rodriguez will serve as 'executive producer'. some interesting casting rumors ranging from elijah wood to vigo mortensen. i've become completely obsessed w/ allred's work recently.
  2. that video is nothing short of spectacular...their best since 'buddy holly'. i'm not that huge of a weezer fan, but the song is alright too
  3. venom is one thing, the 'new goblin' another. throw in the absolutely goofy scenes w/ the evil peter parker and the whole thing was just a huge letdown. i've said it earlier, there are way better bad guys they could have tapped into for that flick and didn't. #2 was the best of the bunch by far, probably because it wasn't so overcrowded w/ antagonists ala #3.
  4. i want either the mandarin or fing fang foom in the sequel...i will accept no less.
  5. can't believe i let it languish in the netflix que for so long. fucking stunning...20+ years later and it still looks better than a lot of CGI FX megafilms of today.
  6. yep, a long-running feud of sorts. very love/hate relationship...mostly hate, except when they have an enemy of some sort in common.
  7. the avengers originally consisted of Ant-Man, Wasp, Thor, Iron Man, and the Hulk. granted, the hulk was gone by the end of issue #2...but he is an original member. that said, i believe it's tony stark/robert downey jr. making a cameo in the hulk flick. at least that's what i recall hearing.
  8. no doubt...my only complaint about the flick is that it had that 'late 90's on the eve of Y2K' feel to it...much like the poster. i wish it would have been done a little more tongue-in-cheek ala 'grindhouse'...then it would have been perfect.
  9. Caught this on cable last night... It was fun...if just for the inside sci-fi/movie industry jokes peppered throughout.
  10. i'm not (that) sexist, but if that's the case...we are obviously not ready to have a woman as president.
  11. i wholeheartedly agree w/ both GtrPlyr and john waters. BTVOTD really is fantastic as well...I watched a CARRIE NATIONS megamix on youtube the other day. mudhoney is fucking crazy, but that's what make it so good.
  12. just busting balls. keep doing what you're doing.
  13. i'm waiting for the paperback to come out next month...is it good?
  14. the point that it's somehow incredible to hear social distortion in a grocery store, especially their most mainstream hit that garnered signficant MTV and radio play? or is it the point that most grocery store 'customers' would be 'bothered' by having to listen to it? 'Punk is the new Barry Manilow.' Surrrrre it is.
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