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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. agreed, but it's probably safer for me to go see them now...if she was still w/ them, I'D be that guy getting his bottom jaw kicked across the bar.
  2. for the record, it ain't just the Rev...but Nashville Pussy is opening. that'd be some fun.
  3. even dana delaney couldn't counterbalance that shit out.
  4. i'm still enjoying it, but it can be a bit all over the place at times.
  5. jesus. i might have to go check that one out. carry on...
  6. i both love and hate those alex ross covers...they are fantastic, but then 9/10 the actual art inside is so weak in comparison. BTW, read the first TPB for miller's all-star batman (awesome), azarello's new-ish joker graphic novel (awsome as well) and i'm 1/2 way through vol. 1 of the 52 TPB's.
  7. apparently, i'm responisble for the little superstar video...who knew, but awesome. looks like you've still got the market cornered on creepy, well done!
  8. no doubt...you can never go wrong w/ the los straitjackets and esquivel.
  9. guys, sorry i've been absent today, but the craziest thing happened. jeff tweedy just strolled into my house today and has been critiquing everything from the way i made a sandwich at lunch to how my kids were playing w/ their matchbox cars. it was cool at first, but it's gotten annoying and he won't leave. that post sucked. (this is tweedy)
  10. i saw that before i got to your reply and thought 'oh hell.'
  11. in palatine we're whiter and more stuck up than naperville, but w/ closer metra access to downtown...for when we want to throw cans of soup at the common folk. there is also a great comic book shop in schaumburg...outside of that though, it is pretty weak.
  12. since money ain't a thing, i suggest zen lunatic pay your rent until the economy rights itself.
  13. that's cool. i can fess up that i was actually enamored w/ the following SONG AND VIDEO for almost a month. i like a good trashy, metal song...but i just can't listen to this, at all.
  14. every time i pass by this thread title, i always imagine the following: w/ tweedy's head photoshopped on it.
  15. this is so horrible, i can't even come up w/ a joke about how bad i find it. jesus.
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