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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. not that it matters or should matter to anybody but the artists themselves...but very little about being an artist has to do w/ being 'essential'. actually, i don't even understand your point.
  2. it's amazing how you are able to live your life w/out any level of compromise...good for you.
  3. 'Sort of like the way music and dance go hand in hand
  4. my freshman year of college i was called 'Thee Slutboy'
  5. well, i'm not knocking them even though they aren't my cup of tea. while some ads may actually be built around certain well-known songs ala zep or the who...my guess is that there aren't a lot of creative folks thinking the average consumer correlates sigur ros w/ a toyota. they more likely have an ad concept and think a song fits well within it, seek out the artist for use and then, should the artist refuse, use a song w/ a similar sound. what i'm saying is, that i don't think there are a lot of meeting in ad agencies where they are wrenching their hands together and trying to figure out th
  6. ripping off tom waits distinctive voice or a nearly note-for-note cover of a specific song versus a band's 'sound'...different. not too sure i really find the sigur ros 'sound' that unique, but whatever.
  7. i'd love to hit this and would...but i've got tickets to see steve dahl and the dahlfins 10 minutes from my house that night. have a good time, laurie's is a great store.
  8. the BBQ show stuff was decent...but i like the shrines stuff better.
  9. listening now and yes, this is damn good stuff.
  10. won't be able to make this, but thanks for the heads up on their new-ish album. i loved mr. supernatural and would love to give this a full spin.
  11. all corporations, in and of themsleves, do not suck. some certain corporations and some aspects of certain coporations can suck. i can find countless number of things that frustrate me about the big one i work for, but it provides a good life for me and my family and some of the products we've released have (arguably) done a lot of good for folks. what happened to darkstar does indeed suck and it's encoraging to see the whole thing, while frustrating, hasn't dampened your spirit...it is indeed an opportunity for you find happiness in life. best of luck.
  12. in that same harvard study, 6.3 annual fatalities per 1M drivers attributed to driving while using a cell phone...compared to 30.9 driving at the LEGAL BAC level and 49.3 due to lack of a seat belt. i agree there should be regulations and there are realtive to hands-free requirements...of which there are now a billion options, inclduing voice activated dialing as i mentioned earlier.
  13. great. just one quick figure to go back to the whole shrugging off the emergency discussion relative to cellphones...as of June -07 there were 291K E911 distress calls placed by cellphones in the US a day. (CTIA) relative to how 'unsafe' they are, cell phone use grew 17 fold between 1990 -1998 and US traffic fatalities continued a steady decline that started back in 1970 to the tune of over 25%. (Harvard Center of Risk Analysis)
  14. my answer is the same it was 2 and a half hours ago... this is hands down the stupidest argument i've ever had on this board and yet i keep responding. jam on, kids and enjoy your movie.
  15. but how is that different from people talking during movies before there were cellphones? who here ever said you shouldn't go on vibe or turn your ringer off? in fact that's what I'M saying...that should be enough. again, i have no problem w/ people wanting to put something into effect on the ringer being on and/or talking on it while in the theatre and the movie is on...jamming it seems insane and completely excessive. having your ringer off and your phone non-functional are two completely and extremely different things.
  16. out of a two hour film, how long did that cell phone call last? i get what you're saying, but i guess somebody talking on a cellphone or otherwise for 2-3 minutes or less would not piss me off to the point where i felt the entire film was ruined for me and NOBODY should be allowed to simply have a working cellphone on them. obviously though, i must be going to better movie theatres...being filthy rich and all. i've heard maybe 2 phones go off during the movie the last 5 films i've seen and the people clicked it to silent.
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