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Everything posted by Dude

  1. As great as this cover is, it will never hold a candle to Whitesnake's Lovehunter:
  2. Apparently, no matter how difficult it is for Prince to get a camel delivered to his door in the dead of winter at 3AM, Wilco is unfettered by such problems and has some of the best camel-acquiring connections in the music biz.
  3. What gives Pitchfork (or Rolling Stone or any rock critic for that matter) the authority to determine what records are good and what aren't? That's the $64,000 question.
  4. If I admit that The Maker never ceases to crack me up even when he is completely off his rocker, is that similar to disobeying a 'Don't Feed the Animals' sign?
  5. 18 pages in and this thread is extremely civil, with no thread locking, abusive language or VC lifetime bans. What's wrong with you people?
  6. Were you in the same shot as the Camel and / or The Wilco?
  7. Yeah, it was quite the adrenaline rush once the ride started. Was this ride open when you were there?
  8. He must be one of those trust fund kids.
  9. Not to nitpick, but I think he's actually trying to be an Amish farmer type dude.
  10. No way in hell I would ever do this. I did ride the Big Shot on top of the Stratosphere in Vegas, which was a momentarilly lapse of reason, judgement and sanity.
  11. This thread is the coal that keeps the fires of VC burning well into the night.
  12. Shouldn't that kid who eats a corn dog during one of the sound checks also get residuals? I think he has a pretty strong case, personally.
  13. It sucks, but I'm not entirely naive that this sort of thing can and does occur. Even the most creatively accomplished and harmonious bands can bust up and dissolve into bitter, acrimonious lawsuits that drag on for years.......
  14. Great news - Summerteeth is back in print on vinyl. Not so great news - all the tracks have been replaced with the Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs. http://www.insound.com/Wilco_Summer_Teeth_...ain/p/INS57283/
  15. Studio version of Panthers is prolly my least favorite track / biggest let down, and I really love the solo acoustical rendition of it, too. With proper love, TLC and nuturing, that song could have been a massively great track on an album. But such is life.
  16. I remember when he pitched for the Cubbies. Does that make me old?
  17. If the album is simply called 'Wilco' and track 1 is called 'Wilco', it will appear on our iPods as: Wilco Wilco Wilco
  18. Man, I didn't even know that forum existed.
  19. I was browsing Gibson's site and my oh my, look who is there on the main page: http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Lifestyle/Features/ If you file chapter 11 and sell your kids in order to get your hands on a pre-war Martin or a '54 J-45, please don't hold me responsible... http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Lifestyle/Feat...ilcos-live-420/ How to Get Wilco
  20. Love the EMP - incredibly informative exhibits and a rock and roll lab type environment where you can play instruments and record yourself in little recording studios. I spent a good 4 hours there and still felt there were entire sections I was missing. Haven't been to the HoF yet.
  21. Dude

    Wilco DVD

    Maybe I'll end up being the minority, but I personally wouldn't change the film, outside of maybe a different song selection. Most concert films suffer some criticism - even The Last Waltz isn't perfect, and Gimme Shelter is a fanstastic documentary and a so-so concert film. I think Ashes was a pretty good snapshot of the band right now and a bit of a window into what their touring experience is like, without getting dragged down into long-winded expository. I'm somewhat glad the film doesn't slow down into 2+ hours of narrative - which I think personally wouldn't have made for a great viewi
  22. I'm one of the world's greatest guitarists, too: http://www.guitarcontrol.com/hero.php?nn=T...CFYZM5Qod3n84YA Apparently you can type in any string in the URL after "hero.php?nn=" and get your name inserted in there. These internet bots are mighty clever, I tell ya...
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