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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Mine, too. Although, I didn't necessarily think he was calling for comfort but more out of a sense of disbelief or horror.
  2. The Rangers just can't win in Detroit.
  3. It's just a basic $100 Sony that I got about 6-7 years ago. So, nothing great and I would assume I don't need an expensive preamp to go with it. Hopefully, this will hold me over until I can justify buying something better. Thanks for all the help.
  4. What pre-amp did you buy or would you recommend? Or are they all fairly standard?
  5. I agree. I've only just started delving into them and there is a lot there to dissect. They make the lyrics on SBS look even more pedestrian than I have always thought they were (for the most part, anyway).
  6. If it's a loud rock show where you can't even hear the person next to you when they shout in your ear, I don't see what the harm is in singing. Plus, there are a lot of moments where artists seem to encourage it.
  7. My sentiments exactly. Each one of these songs has burrowed itself somewhere in my brain and before I know it, I'm humming along to whichever one starts playing in my mind. I had told myself I was going to shelve this after listening a few times until its official release date. But, I just have no desire to do that right now.
  8. It sounds like this is Tweedy's version of The Tell-Tale Heart. As the music builds and builds and becomes more and more anxious.
  9. I would definitely be interested in the list of live favorites. I'm also surprised that Poor Places has that big of a lead on everything else. And my top 3 ended up in the top 12 of the compiled list. Not sure what that means.
  10. I'm not sure I agree that W(TA) is a polar opposite of Summerteeth content-wise. Aside from Wilco the Song and maybe Everlasting, there's a lot of darkness and mysteriousness hidden within the lyrics of this album. I understand what you're saying about the way people view each album, I just don't understand why people do this. Especially for a band like Wilco. I don't expect them to ever make another Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (my favorite of theirs), nor would I necessarily want them to try.
  11. I'm with you on this. Although, I doubt I'll ever stop reading. It's hard for me to understand some of the criticisms of songs like "You Never Know" and "Sonny Feeling." These are some of the best pop songs Tweedy has written since Summerteeth with some of the best harmonies and melodies I've heard in a while. And a lot of this album feels like Summerteeth to me. Do these same people not like Summerteeth? In fact, my wife and I were driving back from Austin the other day and we listened to Wilco (The Album) and then I put in Summerteeth. She asked me why I wanted to listen to that one
  12. For me, the statue is what makes me realize that they have had it all figured out (although, admittedly, I was never really in doubt). I think it first appeared at the end of season 2 when Sayid sees it and asks why it only has 4 toes. And then no mention of it again until this season, I think. And if they haven't had it figured out, then they have been pretty brilliant in tying everything together, so far.
  13. Perhaps for you. But this season only confirmed for me that everything that has been laid out for us viewers in these first five seasons is there for a specific reason. It is one of the most elaborate and well-constructed television series of all-time.
  14. 1) Misunderstood 2) I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 3) I'm Always in Love
  15. Rangers are now 12-3 in May! The fruits of the Mark Teixeira trade are really starting to shine.
  16. It would qualify as one of my five least favorite Wilco songs (I think there was a thread a while back), so I would rather hear almost anything else. But I can certainly understand where you're coming from. And I really just want to hear Bull Black Nova.
  17. I go on vacation and miss the chance to say goodbye to PANTHER. He'll be missed.
  18. I'm definitely with you. I attribute a lot of that to Jeff's voice on this album and how it seems to be in front of everything else. Plus, I think he sounds great.
  19. I'm loving everything about "Sonny Feeling." Especially the harmonies. But absolutely everything that is going on in that song.
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