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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. No he wants them to cover other bands.
  2. Yes, I know this. As well they should be. Easily their best two live songs.
  3. Shot in the Arm and Handshake Drugs should be played at every single show.
  4. I never tire of my favorite Wilco song!
  5. That's why you go to a rescue group.
  6. I would trade a few covers for a few rarities any day.
  7. Wasn't "Too Young" in Lost in Translation or was that a different song?
  8. I don't recall having much of an opinion one way or the other about their last album, but I'm looking forward to this one.
  9. I have no real desire to see Wilco perform a few covers. I would rather hear all Wilco songs. I've recently remarked about the setlists and how I wish Wilco would vary them a little more. But that's merely based on songs I would like to hear as opposed to ones I've heard multiple times.
  10. I was hoping that they would have gone to a local rescue group for a dog instead of going with some breeder in Texas. To me it looks like the dog bit Obama, forcing him to drop the leash and run away from the dog. Hardly the picture of tranquility it was intended to be.
  11. I agree (except for calling "Leave Me..." a nugget). Hopefully, in two months in OKC and the new album either out or imminent, there will be a healthy dose of new material. I would like to see a shakeup of the back catalog songs that are played, too. Except for "Handshake Drugs." That song is a requirement.
  12. See y'all in Oklahoma City, bitches!
  13. Admittedly, there are a lot of names I haven't heard before. But my favorite artists list begins and ends with Edward Hopper. If I have time, though, I want to click on each name and sample everyone's work.
  14. There is no right to privacy in the Constitution. The comparison with the Sixth Amendment is pretty disingenuous, though. A speedy and public trial with an impartial jury is the definition of a fair trial. So using the phrase "right to a fair trial" isn't attempting to twist the language into saying something it doesn't. I think it's a bit of a stretch to make the Establishment Clause mean all of this. Especially based on the fact that a lot of law can be based on particular religious doctrines, since it is what makes up a large part of society's moral code and the attempt to legislat
  15. There really isn't a constitutional mandate establishing a separation of church and state, though. Only the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. Defining marriage as between men and women only isn't an establishment of religion or an impairment of the free exercise thereof. Similar to how there is no First Amendment right to write on this forum as alluded to in an earlier post in this thread. Plus, these are state issues anyway (aside from DOMA). I'm not too familiar with the way each state's Constitution is worded and how it treats religion, if at a
  16. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  17. I don't know what to think anymore. With each new report on the album, I'm either extremely excited or extremely nervous. I just want to hear the thing already. I'm sure I'll think it's one of their best albums after my first listen (which is what I said about Sky Blue Sky after hearing the stream). I just want it to be something I'll want to listen to over and over again. I haven't ever been worried about that with Wilco until SBS came out. The reports in this thread have all been pretty encouraging, though.
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