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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. So, what then, all people along with their heirs should have 500 years to bring up a case in which they might have been wronged? How is 180 days not enough or not fair? What is enough time? What does this have to do with the Bill of Rights and why would I blame anyone for it?
  2. Laws for equal pay are already in place. There are good and legitimate reasons why statutes of limitation exist within the legal system.
  3. People complain about lobbyists and big money interests in government, without realizing how the trial lawyers in this country have the Democratic Party in their back pocket. That's all this is, dressed up as something else.
  4. I don't know that Roosevelt made things worse, but there are plenty of historians and economists who argue that the New Deal lengthened the effects of the Great Depression. Of course, you'll find plenty that argue the other way, too. Either way, the only thing that really got us out of it was World War II.
  5. It's too long and most of the good songs are front-loaded making it a chore, at least for me, to get through the whole thing. Really, the only good song on the back half of the album is "A Ghost to Most." Plus, I'm not a fan of Shonna's songwriting.
  6. I think you managed to dis both Jimmy Stewart and Tom Hanks in the same post. You should rewatch Vertigo, Rear Window, and It's a Wonderful Life.
  7. Actually, there's a much better argument to be made for his best work being Big.
  8. I completely agree with these tiers, although I would reorder the first one and slide BTCD to the bottom of the second tier. But those are just slight differences of opinion. Of course, when anyone asks me where to start with a band, I tell them start at the beginning and go in order until the end. Why would you want to hear the evolution of a band in any other way?
  9. I'm not sure I see what is so terrible or evil about his dad. So he's a lobbyist. Big deal. Why should minimum wage go up? It's unfortunate that it has had this effect on his son, though.
  10. I was glad Shakespeare in Love won. And I still think it's the better movie of the two. For me, take away the impressive opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan and there isn't a whole lot there. It's a fairly pedestrian story. But it does have some very impressive scenes and I like the movie. I just don't feel it was robbed of anything. Of course, Beltmann hit the nail on the head. There's no reason to think of the Oscars as validation of anything. Either you think a movie's good or you don't. Plus, at least in that instance, it's not like Saving Private Ryan was the little movie yo
  11. Sorry, I should have been clearer. You're right, though, there are certainly plenty of people who bitch about everyone else getting government money, who then turn right around and have no problem cashing their own "deserved" check. I don't think Ron Paul has all the answers, but I like where his mind is. The thing about Obama and how he keeps talking about people needing to sacrifice, etc....shouldn't that start with many of these people giving up these government checks in order to cut government spending and the deficit? How does our individual sacrifice result in a larger government
  12. I thought everyone got a rebate check.
  13. Actually, I got a big one a few months ago just for being me. I figure more are to follow with the proliferation of stimulus plans to "fix" everything.
  14. Actually, as it stands now, people have many choices when it comes to the health care professionals they see. Part of the beauty of private health care. I suppose under a national health care plan, though, these choices would narrow and then it might become an issue.
  15. Man, that's not even 2008. For those of us in the know...we were downloading that off DoraMovies.com in late 2007.
  16. Dammit! I knew there was a reason I should have headed up to D.C.
  17. Can someone please tell me where I need to get in line for my next government check? Thanks.
  18. Rather than reform it and add to it. It needs to just be eliminated.
  19. Exactly. Now I just need to get to work on a media room in the house.
  20. I know what you mean. I used to average about 40-50 movies a year in the theater alone. That fell to about 2 this year. (Although it was a daughter for me.)
  21. The "Reagan Revolution" has been over for a long time. What we really need is to start a new one.
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