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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Y'all are crazy. While maybe not one of the best shows of all-time, Friends was a great sitcom. Lost was great, too. While I enjoyed the first season of Heroes a lot, that one went off the rails immediately. Other than that, though, I can't really think of any shows that were heavily promoted but were just terrible.
  2. So this election has become nothing more than class envy? Class hatred? Why does any of this matter?
  3. It's always a close call for me between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Sports Night.
  4. The campus was evacuated this morning due to a bomb threat that was called in.
  5. My only problem with that song is that Townes Van Zandt did such an amazing job with that song that I can barely listen to the Stones' version.
  6. Hopefully they'll stay on their current upward trajectory and really shock everyone with another landmark album. They need to change things up a bit, though. Maybe get out of the comfort zone of the loft or do some more experimenting with sound in a similar way to what produced the Wilco Book CD.
  7. This one's easy for me. We went to Stubbs in Austin to see Slobberbone. They had two openers that night. The band that played right before them was a band I had never heard of before, and judging by their name, I didn't have very high expectations. Needless to say, we were all blown away by the Drive-By Truckers.
  8. Yes. Not even close. But I think Clinton was a better president.
  9. Even if character was an important trait (I still don't think it matters all that much), I don't think that the way a candidate runs a campaign is at all indicative of his character. It's just a means to an end, which is getting elected.
  10. And I think you overvalue it. I don't think character is important at all. I'd rather have an asshole who is a good president than a high-character individual who is a crappy president. And I don't think you can judge how well a president will perform in office based on character.
  11. Everyone distorts the truth. And throughout our history we've had some good presidents who ran nasty campaigns. I don't think one begets the other in this circumstance.
  12. He's got to, though. He isn't faring as well with the base of his party due to his religion and wealth (i can't remember the poll I saw stating that).
  13. There are only a few places I shop or eat at that don't take AMEX. For those that don't, I use a seldom-used Visa or Mastercard. If you're trying to decide on one card and one card only, it could be a pain if some of the places you go to frequently don't take it.
  14. That's the one we use the most, too.
  15. Still the best sounding Wilco album. Thanks for the link!
  16. In all fairness, there are plenty of crappy straight-to-video sequels of quality films that exist in this world. Doesn't affect me one bit.
  17. Candyfloss was a song that didn't grab me initially. For some reason, it took many, many listens for that. Of course, seeing it live helped cement it as a personal favorite.
  18. Thanks for the clarification.
  19. Excellent post! Could not have said it better myself.
  20. A fine tune. Very good. But let's not get carried away (no pun intended). When you say one of his very best or one of the finer compositions, I think that's overstating things a bit. Another example of the glorification of the seldom-heard B-side.
  21. Yeah. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Dixie Chicks.
  22. Congrats! We're moving this weekend and packing the garage has been the worst part of it all. I'm determined to keep the new one clean and orderly. I'll let you know how that is going in a year.
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