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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. There isn't a whole lot that's compelling about a double switch. It's just an extra substitution that sometimes needs to be made in order to make a pitching change. And it only leads to more things to think about because you have to figure out how to limit the at-bats of a .150 hitter. There's nothing inherently good about being forced to watch a clueless hitter. And it's telling that the National League is the only level of baseball that requires pitchers to hit. Get with the times.
  2. I've never been able to figure out why a double switch is held to be so sacred by some.
  3. Got it! Great winner by Isner to take it 70-68. That was awesome.
  4. Mahut had a good chance to break right there, up 0-30. Big serves from Isner to pull it out. That was the first serious threat to break all day so far.
  5. No comments on this yet? This is amazing, 64-64 in the fifth set right now.
  6. I'd actually vote for The Three Colors Trilogy.
  7. I'm just glad that there is a finally a movie out this year that looks like it's worth seeing. And if Toy Story 3 is as good as the initial reports say, I have no problem putting the trilogy at or very near the top of the all-time list.
  8. Come on Crow...I would love to see your list. I'm sure mine will be less hip than yours. I just think there are a lot of musicians and people really into their local scene on this board, which may account for a lot of praise of bands I've never heard of. If anything, it opens you up to a lot of great things you might not ever hear otherwise.
  9. Yep. Got a whole lot of money out of the deal for everyone, though.
  10. I vote for 50. Hell, I just put together a top 50 from the past decade. 50 for an all-time list seems like peanuts.
  11. I want to go to a new Pac-16 so badly, I can taste it. I think the Big Ten would still be happiest by just adding Notre Dame. There was a report today that Notre Dame would possibly reconsider joining the Big Ten. If that happens, then I think everyone stays put. If they can't get Notre Dame, then they have to make a huge splash with NU, MU, Rutgers, and maybe some more Big East schools (or go back to Notre Dame who may need to get out of the Big East before it crumbles completely).
  12. Has anyone been following all the conference expansion/realignment stuff as much as I have? This entire saga has been riveting, especially since Texas is largely at the center of the storm.
  13. Just had the new Spicy Chicken Sandwich at Chick-Fil-A. It was excellent and actually spicy, unlike most spicy chicken sandwiches out there.
  14. I'd be most interested to hear what they would do with A.M. Those have been some of the most exciting songs for me to hear when they play them live.
  15. This thread is really dumb. Everybody is missing out on some great music.
  16. Both singers? I can't imagine Radiohead or The Hold Steady without those singers. They are a large part of the appeal.
  17. No expectations here. I just didn't care for either song.
  18. After listening a few more times, not only am I unimpressed, but I don't really like either song at all.
  19. I can kind of see where you are coming from, but only because you bring a lot of other projected issues into play behind the usage of that phrase. I think it's valid in music or other forms of art, because sometimes these things just don't work for some people. To impress means to affect deeply or gain the admiration of. If something fails to do that, then it failed to impress me. Is this not what we look for when we listen to music or perceive other works of art? To be moved or to be impressed? I'm not a professional critic, so I'm not going to necessarily always try to critique things
  20. First impression: not impressed. (Where are you U2roolz?) Granted, it's one listen to substandard quality, so I'll obviously withhold any serious judgment.
  21. Hornets! Hornets! - Separation Sunday Secret Meeting - Alligator Five Years - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
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