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Everything posted by brianjeremy

  1. Just checked the album out on Lala and I be damned if it's not great. I just went to amazon and promptly ordered it. Damn you Viachicago and your persistent hyping.
  2. Happy Birthday - S/T This is pretty awesome.
  3. I think his last 2 solo records, Elephant Jokes and We All Got Out of the Army are really good Pollard albums. If you are only looking at these two recordsa and the Boston Spaceship albums, then I think he's been on a roll the last two years. However, everything outside of those releases have been largely hit and miss. Todd's production is just spent in my opinion. Same 'ol crap, in my opinion. I can only bare so much of it. I think it's a road block to his creativity. As an artist, you have to challenge yourself and I feel that by locking himself into this cycle, Pollard's stunted hi
  4. I about died today when Thirteen came on randomly on the ipod. Been listening to "Alex Chilton" by the 'Mats today. It also doesn't help that it's my ringtone for my wife and every time she calls, it plays....
  5. I am fairly underwhlemed by it so far. I feel it's lacking and I have the feeling of "this is all we get after a six year wait?"
  6. Greenville, SC and dude, I am serious. I think between both of the stores here in town, they have almost every "exclusive" release from last RSD available too, except for a few things. Crazy. I was there when the doors opened. This year, I'm not waking up so early.
  7. I agree, too much for me to cough up or justify. I don't worry about quanities, the Pavement LP last year was limited to 2,500 copies and my local shop still has about a dozen of them...
  8. Crazy. I always say it, but didn't this guy rape children? Damn the world is crazy.
  9. This is $7.99 at Best Buy this week and free shipping if you order online.
  10. I mean the whole metal thing has potential....that being said, I don't see the project as being taken seriously.
  11. I picked a copy of this yesterday, but I've had it for months. I really like the record and agree with the chill factor comments. I listened to it yesterday while chilling out.
  12. Ryan Adams Makes Metal Record New song...
  13. I've been on a huge Foo Fighters kick lately.
  14. Watching and listening while I'm cooking supper.
  15. I love both of their albums about the same. I have really fond memories of the second one. I think this one is by far my most anticipated album of the year.
  16. New song: A Stich in Time Really great tune, by the way. Nice acoustic, synths and sitars. From Rolling Stone:
  17. They played a really great show Friday night. Lots of old songs and the new ones sounded really good. Pity the fool who didn't see them on this tour. Someone was recording, but I have not seen a torrent yet.
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