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Everything posted by brianjeremy

  1. I'm going to see DBT on Thursday. I am so pumped about it. Can't wait to hear the new songs.
  2. Moonface (Spencer Krug of Wolf Parade) - Dreamland EP
  3. The Mountain Goats - We Shall All Be Healed Next:
  4. Beach House - Teen Dream I listened to this album several times today and it's by far the best I've heard this year. Each time I listen, it gets better and better.
  5. I agree with this post totally. I think this is the first album that I haven't found one truly redeemable song that even justifies the albums existence. Maybe, If You're Wondering, has some redeeming qualities but still if that's all the album has going for it, then you know that it has to be some sort of awful. My wife is so awesome when it comes to Weezer. She doesn't really like indie or rock music but she has certain bands she likes and one of them is Weezer. She mainly listens to top 40 stuff and so on. I try not to assert my opinion about Weezers' current crappy musical state to
  6. Lots of Ryan Adams today: Cold Roses, Heartbreaker, Pneumonia, and Stranger's Almanac.
  7. I would think that a Metallica half-time show is inevitable.
  8. Speaking of the Posies, I was at a bar seeing Jon Auer for a radio appearance and maybe 15 people were there. About half of them were aware of who John Auer was. In 2003, I saw Evan Dando and Vic Chesnutt at the Orangepeel in Asheville and there were maybe 50 people in attendance. The OP holds about 1000 people. It was great not having to wait in line for beer. Awesome show though.
  9. Terrible album cover but pretty decent music.
  10. I had a similar experience. Saw them in Asheville on two separate occasions and both were exceptional. The first time I saw them in a small venue and they too opened with Wake Up. Seriously, it was one of the most awe-inspiring moments I have ever witnessed. Truly wonderful.
  11. Oasis - I would say that Oasis probably sits at the top of the list for me. It probably wasn't until their third album that I actually took notice. Metallica - All my friends in middle and high school were all about Metallica and I just didn't get it. But eventually, I got into the older stuff. The new stuff - not so much. The Beatles. My cousin who lived next door to me was obsessed with the Beatles. My family were more of the Stones-type. It was more of an annoyance than anything It wasn't until college and away from my cousin's constant Beatles mania, that I actually came to app
  12. That's the new Los Campesinos record, correct? How is it compared to their previous ones? I really liked their first album and ep but wasn't too fond of their second record.
  13. I had a couple of tapes by the Doors when I was younger but could never ever get into them. I think they are one of the most over-rated band of all-time in my book.
  14. These videos are so great. I know I'm behind and have no clue about this pant on the ground thing (I don't care about Idol) until I saw these videos this morning.
  15. If anyone is interested, the second song is out there, but not on the official site. It's called Window Wake My World and dear god above does it blow!
  16. I agree about Buckley: beyond last goodbye, I just don't see the love.
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