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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. Out of interest, where would you put Señor on your scale of salutations? I think it has a certain grandeur whilst Herr is cold and unwelcoming (which come to think about it might make it more appropriate).
  2. That is fine, I am known for my big cup. It will last through 2 readings. But why the Herr, unless you are confusing me with Bert Trautman?
  3. Nice story oh king of infinite space.
  4. Генеральная линия партии
  5. https://thenewsstation.com/with-new-newsletter-jeff-tweedy-has-discovered-an-ideal-way-of-connecting-with-fans/?fbclid=IwAR2GuM97d7vtvjXnsoZHE_dt5VJ2-yX146rQQ7djZBcvXlxefCBZDfvW14M
  6. Slightly disappointed to find out that there's an editor involved with the writings. Maybe to be expected but would have liked to think they were 'straight from the horse's mouth'. JT doesn't use an editor for his songwriting so why not let us see the real raw work there too?
  7. Ta. There's that Goth/Joy Division version of HMD. Is this version like that? Also. How is Pat Watch? He went through that spell of not being very engaged. The novelty of performing again means there is no sign of that?
  8. Генеральная линия партии :- Four legs good, two legs bad.
  9. (i) Maybe but my big ass could not be there. (ii) I believe there was indeed a cake, but I missed that show in fact. I don't recall the reason, but it must have been monumental of course. I did catch them in Europe on the same tour as penance - appropriately enough at Santiago de Compostella. I did not walk there, but did wear a cilice and regularly beat myself over the head with a stout stick. So things evened out I think.
  10. Whoa, had me worried for a minute as still 1 hour until my elevenses! Will check back for afternoon tea then.
  11. An exceptionally well balanced and reasoned report. Also very nicely timed to coincide with my elevenses. Pleased for you that there was a special treat in the encore for some variety. Ta.
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