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Everything posted by j4lackey

  1. Big ditto on that! Not a bad pick... Thanks for sharing. I've gotta see Van one of these days!
  2. Geez, I just figured out the etymology of your user name! Good one! Thanks, coffee!
  3. Neil Young & The Stray Gators Buffalo 73
  4. Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale. It's pretty good. Don't usually drink this early, but trying to get a new batch of work started, and the kids are home, with friends, so you do the math...
  5. Wow! I think we have a winner!
  6. Not the F-150 thread I was expecting...
  7. It's hard being a man living in a garbage pail My landlady called me up, ooohhh she tried to hit me with a mop I can't stand it anymore more I can't stand it anymore more, oh I can't stand it anymore more But if Candy would just come back it'd be all right Yeah, if Candy would just come back it'd be all right, come on baby I live with thirteen dead cats a purple dog that wears spats They're all out livin' in the hall and I can't stand it anymore I can't stand it anymo
  8. Downloading now. Can't wait to hear this one. Thanks!
  9. How To Fight Loneliness. I play it every day when I get to my studio.
  10. If anyone wants my address, just let me know. Just sayin'.
  11. Guess that restaurant doesn't have a very stringent dress code....
  12. Hi Sara, thanks for requesting Motion Pictures, any way. Great tune.
  13. What a great setlist! Man, you guys got a great show. Thanks for sharing the pics and stories. Very nice of Sue and Jeff to do.
  14. "Album Not Found The link you are using is no longer valid. If this link was sent to you in an email and you would like to view the photos, you will need to contact the album owner and have them share the album using the Gallery's share feature. If the link was to your own album and you would like to link your album from a personal web site or create a custom email message, please follow these instructions: 1. Share the album with yourself, from the "Share Photos" tab, with your own email address in the "To" field. 2. After you receive the share email, copy the URL, or web address,
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