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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Pretty sad story about former Red Sox prospect and Marlin pitcher Anibal Sanchez's road to recovery since getting injured last year: I had no idea that happened to him, and that is really quite awful. That's a lot to go through while trying to recover from a potentially career threatening surgery. Wouldn't have been surprised or upset if he had taken a lot longer to get back. That's tough. Rest of the story kind of goes deeper into his past and the Marlins' rotation.
  2. We can look in the archives for my thoughts on the ring argument.
  3. That is super lame. We'll have to use that IP block thing, I guess.
  4. Puppies are really my favorite thing in the world.
  5. Also, Favre can't touch Marino's jockstrap, and at least Marino didn't make an ass out of himself.
  6. Brett Favre should just go away. The Packers offering him the backup position was awesome. Don't put up with his shit anymore.
  7. Oldest pitcher ever to do so. Pretty funny.
  8. My sister's shi tzu went through that phase for a while. It is quite adorable until he does it late at night or when it is full of food.
  9. So I'm definitely liking the Marlins rotation now. They could be legitimate now. Ricky Nolasco looks like an ace. Be nice if we could hold this lead.
  10. Hmm, It looks like he might be just inside the Tampa market, because the University of Central Florida is on the Western part of Orlando and it looks like the Marlins market just wraps around Orlando. If not, how do you go around getting out of market?
  11. I can't imagine Orlando being in Market for Miami. it's like an hour from Tampa and 4 hours from Miami. That wouldn't make any sense.
  12. Anyone know if two people can share an MLB.tv account? I have a friend who had to move to Orlando, so he hasn't been able to watch any Marlins games lately, so I figure this might be a good excuse to get MLB.tv without having to pay full price.
  13. Yeah. He's not a 10 million dollar player, that's for sure.
  14. Pudge has been better this year than the last 2.
  15. Fear not: Hellboy II is awesome. It's one of the most visually imaginative and captivating movies I've ever seen. Ranks somewhere between Iron Man and Hulk for me this year. Is this the year of the comic book adaptation? The studios are 3-3 so far on them and it looks like Batman's gonna be better than them all. They are finally doing these things right.
  16. Man, this team... To quote Tommy Hutton earlier this year: "You gotta love 'em. You die with 'em, and then you gotta love 'em." Hanley's a beast.
  17. Nobody. I was just saying that because it seemed like the best response to "oh bullshit".
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