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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I liked this movie a lot. Despite my severe dislike of Liv Tyler as an actress (Why does she have to whisper every line?), this was an extremely entertaining movie. But RDJ's cameo at the end just confirmed that every Marvel movie just needs more Tony Stark.
  2. I'm not a parent and probably won't be for a very long time, but from being parented, I will say: don't be afraid to stand your ground. But don't be afraid to give a good reason as well. But don't be surprised when your kid gets mad anyways.
  3. Patton on Blu Ray? That might be the best movie ever, imo, and probably the single best acting performance. Wish I had Blu Ray now.
  4. Speaking for myself, I love when teams have fun. The other day the Rangers played slip n' slide on the tarp. That was fun. I enjoyed that, and I don't have a problem with the Red Sox for doing this. My problems with the Red Sox stem from a few things: 1. They spend copious amounts of money, often times throwing stupid amounts at the the same players as the Yankees and yet still try to make the Yankees look like the bad guys. 2. Many of their fans seem to have a sense of entitlement simply because they rooted for a bad team prior to 5 years ago. Cubs fans have this too. This makes it seem l
  5. Man, Uggla is a beast. He and Utley are having arguably the best seasons any 2B has had since Morgan or maybe Hornsby. Insane.
  6. Well, I should say I don't think it will because he's got a lot of followers who see no wrong in him, but I could see it as a way for the right to attack and attack hard, and it might hurt his image in the general population.
  7. And he said as much. But admitting this, shouldn't he be fair game for any criticism regarding this. He said
  8. So he feels privately funded is better than any sort of public funding, even though he has always supported public funding? I would think this could be a case of taking the lesser of two evils.
  9. Total atheist. Doesn't mean I need to put down other people's beliefs at every turn.
  10. I agree with that, which is why it is sort of a paradox for me. I recognize the incredible influence television has, but I also see it as a lesser medium. Not sure why, though...
  11. Ok, so one non-boring game washes out some absolutely abysmal play by both teams at times including one team tucking it's tail between it's legs 15 minutes into the elimination game? I generally find the NBA finals to be boring. Not just this one.
  12. I stand by my previous assertion that print and televises news interviews should be held to different standards, but that's just me.
  13. Cody Ross had a streak of 8 straight earlier, and like 10 of 12.
  14. See, I'm not always a snot nosed, condescending, little shit.
  15. He never had the intention of body slamming anyone. I'll bet you hate Bill O'Reilly for doing stuff like that, right? You come off as a combative prick when you interview people like that. In an interview that is being televised, you have to ask pointed questions without trying to bait or attack the person you are interviewing. Otherwise, you won't have anyone to interview. Nobody likes being attacked, and nobody likes watching people be attacked. The easiest way to lose credibility as a person doing an interview is to ask leading questions and back someone into a corner. You might get them to
  16. The refs in the NBA are pretty terrible around the league. Not going to say anyone stole any games, but they've sure as hell given some away in the past. Bitching about the refs or bitching about other people bitching about the refs is obnoxious.
  17. So Jordan was better. Kobe's still pretty fucking good, but he bought too much into the "being a good teammate" thing everyone has been screaming about for the past 5 years. He should be taking this game over like he used to, but he doesn't want eveyrone to think he's selfish again. That's my take, anyways. Either way, the NBA playoffs are really boring...
  18. I enjoyed their set at Bonnaroo. I'm pissed I left it early to watch an absolute mess of a Superjam in the rain...
  19. I'm going to guess unless they made a trade to actually improve the team on the field (and not in their hearts or minds, or whatever firing Willie does), they'll continue to be not very good.
  20. Man, "Reign Over Me" brought the fucking house down. I was pretty tired and a little inebriated when they were playing, but that perked me right up.
  21. I really don't have any problem with someone ranking Mays ahead, this is just my opinion and they are so close that it can really go either way. Basically, because they are so evenly matched, it comes down to Mantle's On base skills and peak years against Willie's defense and longevity.
  22. I won't deny that if you were asking who I would rather watch play, it's gonna be Mays. The style of ball he played was extremely exciting, and I don't have any doubts if you asked who was the better player just from watching them play, almost anyone would say Mays. But looking at their production only, Mantle was the better player in my opinion. Clemente is another player who is more respected by people who watched him than people who strictly look at his stats. Maybe there's something to that, but I still side with what the stats say, especially with players I never got to see.
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