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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. FIU had a real shot at taking that game at Maryland, if not for a muffed punt late in the game.
  2. "Summerteeth" was written by Paul McCartney, I think.
  3. "Bang pow batman noises! Chasm, other previous jokes"
  4. Moonie is, in my opinion, the greatest drummer in rock and roll history. Nobody could do the things he did. Listen to "Happy Jack". That song is built on a drum melody. Amazing.
  5. Demetri is hysterical. The first time I heard him was driving through shitty Miami traffic on my friend's iPod. I about crashed my car from laughing so hard. I think the best thing on his cd is Will Forte's bit. Too good.
  6. Whatever, I think it's pretty much the same thing. But then again, I'm one of the few people who has no problems with Bonds, so whatever.
  7. I've actually liked the last 4 Bruce albums, though I'm not expecting another "Wild, Innocent, E Street Shuffle", or anything, I'm sure this one will be alright. I thought Devils and Dust was a pretty good album.
  8. Your photo is one of my favorite pictures ever. It's so amazing, you deserved to win. Good job, though it's too bad you couldn't make the fest.
  9. Barry Bonds ruined baseball. Rick Ankiel followed his doctors advice. Cool.
  10. That they aren't the same thing. You can't use the ends to justify the means. Cheating is cheating is cheating, right? See: MrRain's posts for my opinion on this. That dude is spot on.
  11. I fully disagree, but whatever.
  12. Objects Of My Affection is a great song, for sure. I'd love to see them live, but something tells me I wont' have the opportunity any time soon.
  13. I wonder if the same people who got so mad about Bonds will be just as mad about Ankiel?
  14. He did HGH, apparently. So the whole "The Natural" thing doesn't seem to fit anymore.
  15. The Colour And The Shape is one of the best pure rock albums of the 90's. It might be better than Nevermind.
  16. If you've ever seen the Foos live, he's a pretty damn good frontman too.
  17. Dave Grohl with Zeppelin would fucking rock.
  18. Thats why I've never gotten a nano or mini.
  19. He was on this one, I believe.
  20. It's an extremely tight album. Very focused throughout, unlike CD and LR, which has some moments that just felt tacked on. Unforunately, it doesn't quite have as many great moments. It's really good, but it's not great all the way through. I'd say it's probably his 2nd best album, behind Late Registration. I'm working on a review of it for the paper, so I've been listening to it alot.
  21. Thats my favorite song on the album.
  22. "Remember The Mountain Bed" The smell of your hair I know is still there, if most of our leaves are blown Our words still ring in the brush and the trees where singing seeds are sown
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