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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. You're just defending him because he's a Tiger.
  2. That's the third time a FA has spurned the Braves at the last minute.
  3. Yeah, Canseco is just about the only guy to trust when it comes to 'roids. I'm just waiting for Magglio and Pudge to be named.
  4. Yeah, the Fremont deal appears to have fallen through.
  5. I always consider picking the prospect handbook, but I never do. Maybe if I have some extra cash around sometime soon.
  6. Nope, the only steroid users were arrogant, egotistical home run hitters.
  7. I was hoping he'd retire. Nothing worse than seeing a once former great stumbling around in the outfield. If the Braves play him in center, it's going to be really sad.
  8. I have a friend who is very excited about the Braves signing Griffey. Not sure if either is going to really help much.
  9. Not a great lineup, but I've always wanted to do this fest. Last year looked better.
  10. Dear MrRain (and anyone else interested), There is a fantastic article by Michael Lewis from last Friday's New York Times about Shane Battier. Along the lines of the Moneyball/Blind Side "rethinking conventional knowledge" thing. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/15/magazine...t=cse&scp=1 That's the link. I'm dumb.
  11. That would be like the Bulls' first win this season. Zing!
  12. The only songs on YHF he didn't have a cowriting credit on are "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart", "Heavy Metal Drummer", and "Reservations". He was pretty damn important.
  13. So it did ruin your night. I'm sorry. I love your sense of entitlement.
  14. Nah, I just have bad taste in movies.
  15. My girlfriend got me When Harry Met Sally on DVD (because that movie is awesome), and we watched it earlier. Now, we're going our seperate ways, to reconvene at 5 to get chinese food delivered and then go to see our friend in the Vagina Monologues at school. Sounds like a nice day.
  16. Damn, right in the middle of finals week. Can't trip it. They need to come down here.
  17. Is it live baseball? Then yes. I've always liked it, and didn't get why anyone wouldn't.
  18. My hatred for Favre has to do with how the media portrays him and how he jerked his team around for 4 seasons. Also, that fucking terrible Wrangler commercial.
  19. Also, with young pitchers, the jump in innings from year to year needs to be taken into account. A yearly jump of 40 is generally considered safe, building up to 200+. He threw 166 in 2002 and 234 in 03. A pretty unsafe jump, especially with how many pitches he threw in high stress situations. Also: "In the month of September, Prior recorded 126 pitches per starts. Prior averaged another 120 pitches games in the Postseason." All that during a season when he was on the disabled list. And that link Kevin posted about his mechanics is just scary. The way his leg comes down so abruptly
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