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Mr. Heartbreak

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Everything posted by Mr. Heartbreak

  1. I don't have time to read the whole thread. Has anyone come up with the phrase Padre Rock yet?
  2. On sale now: https://store.dead.net/dave-s-picks-vol-30-1.html
  3. I have a playlist in iTunes I call "New To Library," which is stuff I own but haven't played yet. The most recent LOM show I listened to before the Garcia Live Vol. 3 show was 4/4/75, but the next ones in the queue are 4/7, 4/9 & 4/20 from that tour. So, you know, I don't always listen to the shows I obtain in date order, but it looks like I might with these!
  4. Listening to some great Legion of Mary shows, including the Garcia Live Vol. 3 from '74. Jerry was on fire in this period, but JFC, Merl Saunders should never have had a microphone in front of him. He sounds like he's gargling phlegm every time he sings anything! It sounds weird to say, but he would have been a pretty decent, funky singer if not for the whole gargling phlegm thing.
  5. Well, I know we don't usually advertise on here, but since you asked...I'm an author, speaker & publisher: https://www.amazon.com/Michael-J.-Sahno/e/B018PTN964
  6. Just read where Brian Eno will not be joining Roxy Music members "due to prior commitments." I have now lost the one tiny bit of interest I had in seeing the R&R Hall of Fame show.
  7. Also, to add to the cynicism/pessimism: I forgot to mention the other aspect of the prediction above. A decent sized blue wave in 2022, leading to some modest financial reform in a newly-Democratic-controlled Congress. Then when the economy crashes in 2023, they can blame the Dems again and say the economy crashed because of those "job-killing regulations" and not from the Fed artificially propping it up for years.
  8. For me, I love Jerry's playing the most when it's tasteful and suits the original spirit of the song. The two things he did that I liked the least are: 1) Overplaying fast stuff on songs that weren't that up-tempo (Deal, Sugaree, etc.). I can appreciate the wild and fast solos on Victim or the Crime; on mid-tempo songs, not so much. 2) A ton of "fanning" at the end of a crescendo (as often happened in Morning Dew. Sometimes too much really is too much). It's not that I'd turn off a '77 Sugaree, but I find that repetitive circling around a few notes he did in the post-hiatus versions to be
  9. Interesting. I've always much preferred the pre-hiatus Sugarees, especially '71-'72. I got so used to hearing those over the years that when I was exposed to the later versions, I felt they were overlong, and the crescendos a little embarrassing. I'm sure headyversion would confirm I'm in the minority on this one, though. That's one of the greatest things about the Dead, how they had such a long career, and so much variation among the different versions of tunes, there's really something for everyone. My main admiration for Jerry as a player is how he so often played tasteful fills and solos
  10. I was talking to a friend of mine about this, and he's convinced the oligarchs love this asshole enough to prop up the economy through 2020. Many, many Americans are dumb enough to vote for him again if they can look at the news and tell themselves, "Well, the economy is good, so I guess he's doing a good job after all." After 45 gets re-elected, the oligarchs set themselves up to profit from the next great crash - so they continue to make a shitload of money as the stock market continues its historic (but totally unsustainable) bull run, then divest themselves of major parts of their assets
  11. Built To Last - Not sure I'd categorize this one as a beloved favorite of too many Deadheads, though I could be wrong. Almost never listen to any of the tunes on this record anymore, live or otherwise. Crazy Fingers - I love this song, but there are very few good live versions. Fortunately, the studio version is actually good. Fire - Scarlet > Fire is one of my favorite pairings, but there are plenty of crappy versions. I usually stay within the '77-78 range on those. Believe it or not, I've always liked the studio version, as I heard commercials for Shakedown Street before it came out,
  12. Do any of you Dead freaks have certain popular, well-loved tunes that you'd just as soon skip when they come up in a show? I'm not talking about a Wave to the Wind or a Money Money...I'm talking something that other Heads would say, "Whaaaaaat?" I've got a couple I'll share. Now, I've always been much more of a Jerry guy than a Bobby guy, so I won't even target him. Too easy. I'll start with Jerry tunes I've heard too much or just never got that into in the first place. 1) Tennessee Jed - This is kind of a silly song, IMHO, so it's fun, right? Well, yeah, maybe pre-hiatus. Even some of tho
  13. It’s not bad. The “doo doo doo” part is reminiscent of Lou Reed in Walk on the Wild Side, no?
  14. Review from local paper: https://www.cltampa.com/music/reviews/article/21060047/jeff-tweedy-controls-the-crowd-in-easygoing-playful-tampa-theatre-set
  15. Nah, just trying to be humble. Turns out Don was dealing w/ some low back pain from doing a bunch of yard work - which is why he didn't stick around while you and I were talking. He wanted to get to his seat. The joys of being a 60+ road warrior!
  16. Thank you! Gotta give bböp, and the show, most of the credit here.
  17. Thanks, bböp. "Always a fine report," in the words of George Carlin. And it was great to meet ya, after having read so many of these over the years. It was a great show, and nice call on Shakin' Sugar. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that one. I have to confess as well: I might have voted for Lost Love on the request line. My buddy Don was the navigator to the show, and I have to tell a little story about my friendship with Don. He's a Tampa native, mid-60s, but lived in California for many, many years. And when I say California, I'm talking late 1960s to early 70s. Yes, he was IN it,
  18. Man, I hope a day off has given him a much needed rest and some attitude adjustment. The first couple FL reviews have given me a sense of trepidation I've never had prior to a Wilco-related show. The Tampa Theatre, like I pointed out in one of these threads, is a beautiful 1920s jewel that locals are justifiably proud to have saved as a historical landmark. If Jeff comes in and says something like, "This is a really weird place," I think we'll be in for a long night.
  19. Thanks for another fine report as always. To answer your initial query: I think that in small Floria venues, it's often some of all of the above. I remember hearing a recording of a Wilco show once where Jeff said, "Hi. We're Wilco. For all you season ticket holders." That type of intro could be appropriate for some of the theaters here, as there are some arts patrons who just go to all the shows. There are also hardcore fans, of course. As for transplants: my nearly 25 years of Florida living has led me to conclude that most serious arts patrons here are transplants. In fact, it often see
  20. If that means you'll be in Tampa, would love to meet up at the theatre. A buddy of mine is driving us down and we should be there by 7:30 at the latest. Feel free to PM me.
  21. NO idea, though I know it rained a lot. I was way, way out there in those days...
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