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Mr. Heartbreak

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Everything posted by Mr. Heartbreak

  1. I don't get the aversion to FL at all, but then I've lived here for 25 years and love it. To put the Wilco touring in perspective, they last played here before Solid Sound in May 2015, although JT did his first-ever solo Florida shows recently. That means no FL Wilco dates for Star Wars, Schmilco, or Ode to Joy (so far). I've seen great Wilco shows in the past in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Pete, Orlando, & Jacksonville. I'm really baffled by their skipping the entire state for nearly five years. It's the third most populous state, as well as one of the largest. Come on, guys! Get back he
  2. Neal Casal Tribute at The Capitol Theatre:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pAor7Cv66s
  3. If the question is, "Does a preference for classic rock lead to dissatisfaction with much of Wilco's post-2000 output," I'd have to say yes, for myself. Maybe post-2004 would be a more specific timeframe. I love the Wilco run from A.M. through AGIB... after that, it's pretty hit or miss for me. I'm only a couple years older than JT, but come not from a tradition of The Minutemen or The Clash but rather classic rock, hard rock, prog rock, etc. Consequently (perhaps), I'd rather hear the "encore rockers" they've been playing lately than anything off the new record.
  4. I'm sure I like the show quite a bit myself, although I'll always look for a Scarlet>Fire if I'm going for a '77 show. Weirdly enough, the headyversion.com votes are for the opening Might As Well and the Black Peter as being GOAT status. I'll have to give it a listen to see if I beg to differ.
  5. The next Dave's Pick will be the Dekalb show from 10/29/77. It's a little hard to find the info from the sub page, but Dave talks about it in the video: https://store.dead.net/dave-s-picks-2020-subscription.html
  6. I feel this, too. The hyperbole really, really gets to me. (I'm using that word "really" because there are so many of those in the newest chat.) It's bizarre that he seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of shows yet still remains a dipshit. At least he doesn't sprinkle his chats with out-of-context lyric quotes.
  7. I actually sit through the "seaside" (or, this time, riverside) chats, just so I can shake my head at the outrageous OCD or ADHD, or whatever it is. He's probably a good dude, but what a goober.
  8. Well, that new Dave's Pick sold out PDQ. Should be a good 'un. Man oh man, I can't believe how many people actually like that Dave guy. He just might be the single most annoying representative (of a product or company I'm actually interested in) ever to grace the airwaves. Yikes.
  9. My pleasure. I think that was one of the first versions of Dupree's I ever heard, oddly enough. I always preferred those early versions of Throwin' & Touch...especially after In The Dark came out. Not a fan of the keys on the official Big Commercial Hit version of Touch...but I guess that's part of what made it commercially viable...?
  11. Thanks for posting the link to this! Be interesting to see what attendees have to say about it in After The Show.
  12. The running chat on YouTube is pretty priceless. Much less reverent than most of us on here.
  13. Weird watching him in El Camino and finding out he just died. RIP
  14. Have you heard the previous night? Pretty much my go-to versions of Alabama > Greatest Story, On The Road Again, West L.A. and Throwing Stones > Touch Of Grey. Decent Morning Dew toward the end, too!
  15. 37 years ago today. I like the previous night better, though I realize most people prefer this show. Frost box set one day? Hmm. https://archive.org/details/gd82-10-10.sbd.sacks.338.sbefail.shnf 10/10/82 - Frost Amphitheater, Palo Alto, CA I: Minglewood Blues-> Sugaree-> Little Red Rooster, Tennessee Jed, Cassidy, Loser, Far From Me, Looks Like Rain-> China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider II: Playin' In The Band-> Crazy Fingers-> Lost Sailor-> Saint Of Circumstance-> Touch Of Gray-> Drums-> The Wheel-> Throwing Stones-> Not Fade Away-> Black Peter-&
  16. Yeah, it's working now. I don't know what to think about that set. It's pricey (not surprising for the ZFT), but looks like it would be an interesting listen. Might be a bit of overkill.
  17. Yeah, I checked out that Jambase link, and holy cow--the video of We Were Lucky, even though it's unofficial, sounds like it has much better dynamics than the studio version. I guess some of these new songs really come to life in a live setting in ways I would not have anticipated based on the studio recordings.
  18. They must have messed something up there: the link is a 404 page at the moment. A Hot Rats sessions box sounds mighty fine, tho!
  19. Having finally listened to it, this post sums up my feelings nicely. Florida got bypassed on the Star Wars/Schmilco jaunt (no shows since May 2015), so I haven't seen any of the more recent material live, but none of the newer songs make me go, "I can't wait to see this live." It's definitely a bummer, but I have plenty of other stuff to play. Oh well.
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