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Mr. Heartbreak

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Everything posted by Mr. Heartbreak

  1. https://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn3.bigcommerce.com%2Fs-j7punjxh%2Fproducts%2F4371%2Fimages%2F11038%2F2S2A6178_copy__02242.1479171307.500.659.jpg%3Fc%3D2&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kissmuseum.com%2Fkiss-vinyl-record-kiss-destroyer-12-lp-original-pressing-nblp-7025-sealed%2F&docid=6k2kG6gmOdTepM&tbnid=xPRdR8f_1wGITM%3A&vet=1&w=500&h=519&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
  2. I don't know how many Cranberries fans there are on here, but this is really shocking and sad. Only 46. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dolores-oriordan-dead-dies_us_5a5ce22ce4b0fcbc3a12797b
  3. I downloaded a couple SBD shows of Magpie, but I just couldn’t get into them. Hearing those Crowes tunes without CR on vocals was just weird for me. Glad people are digging them, but I’d take a hard pass.
  4. Wow. I just listened to the version from 9/10/95 for the first time today (I have at least one or two other versions), and it's really good. Whole show is really good, in fact. I'd call it finished!
  5. Do any of my fellow fanatics here know the official title of the song Wilco played back in 1995 that starts with the line "She left home in a hurry?" I've seen it alternately listed as "Turn Around and Come Back to Me," "I Wish I Were Ian Dury," or just "Ian Dury."
  6. I think it's going to be measured in terms of decades, not years: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/28/us/politics/trump-world-diplomacy.html
  7. "I'm the biggest fucking moron ever to hold the office of President. A lot of people are saying that. Everyone knows that. There have been idiots before, but I'm the biggest one by far. The biggest..biggest...biggest...."
  8. You know, any of us who lived in CT, NY or NJ anytime in the last 30 years have known - all that time - what a turd this guy was. Total ignoramus. Not remotely qualified to even run for mayor of Anytown, USA. Every single person who voted for this douchenozzle has a lot to answer for. A LOT. They didn't do their due diligence...If they had, they would have voted for someone else. Anyone else. I may eventually forgive those who voted for him, but I will never, ever forget.
  9. The way we Deadheads go on here, you'd think we listen to nothing but them and maybe an occasional tune from that band Jeff Tweedy fronts, whatever the heck they're called. I go through phases of listening to the Dead quite a bit, then do something like what I did last week: obsessively go through every single show I can find from the Yes 1977 Going for the One tour, with a mix of all sorts of stuff in between...from Mazzy Star to early 70s Miles Davis. If you do listen to something like SSDD (and no other Dead) for a while, it would be interesting to skip ahead to a '75 or '77 show and se
  10. Oh, that looks like a very cool resource. I was not familiar with it. It's easy to go right to a certain date and show and play any track you want, and you can do it on your desktop without having to download the app. The archive used to be much easier to navigate. When they made some major changes to it awhile back, they created a huge cluster. This is better. Thanks for posting that.
  11. Great change of topic. Of course, ask 10 Deadheads for show recommendations, and you will get quite a variety. If I'd jumped in earlier, I probably would have listed the following myself: 8/27/72 5/8/77 8/13/75 6/10/73 10/9/82 One thing I didn't see you say is I want to spend a shitload of money on this stuff. And a lot of these shows are available on archive.org for streaming. The problem/embarrassment of riches with the archive is that most shows have multiple copies up, including many audience recordings. That's a whole other can of worms in itself, the AUD vs. SBD argument. Your mileag
  12. Oh, I love those guys, too...but that’s too rich for my blood.
  13. Dang, I haven't even ponied up the dough for the '77 box, and now there's a '73 box? This is great stuff, but I have to admit I'm not in a hurry to get it. I've already bought Roxy, Roxy by Proxy, and the movie. I've got too much FZ as it is.
  14. I'm pretty happy with this deluxe box, though I have to say I was somewhat underwhelmed by the A.M. re-release. With just 8 bonus tracks, it was difficult to justify buying it again to myself once I heard them. I could have lived without what I'm calling the "heavy metal" version of Lost Love, and Blue Mountain did Myrna Lee so much better, I can't even give John's demo a fair listen. It's cool to have Piss It Away and Hesitation Rocks in good quality for once, though. The Being There box, of course, has much more to offer, so it's kind of hard to compare. I'm mostly just happy to have the T
  15. Heh heh. I haven't had time to work on my fiction this week, but I guess I was in the mood to write some funny dialogue. Seemed like a no-brainer.
  16. I think I know exactly how that conversation went. Bobby: Hey man, why don't you and me go out and do a few shows? Phil: You mean just the two of us? Bobby: Yeah, like I did with Wasserman back in the 80s. Phil: You know I don't travel much anymore. Where would these be? Bobby: Well, I wanna be able to do Truckin' again, so maybe hit those towns that get the big shoutout... Phil: Remind me again? Bobby: "Chicago, New York..." Phil: "Detroit?" Bobby: Well, okay not Detroit. How about a couple in Boston?
  17. Bruce Cockburn’s Christmas album has some great tracks.
  18. John McLaughlin & Jimmy Herring were incredible last night, as well as pretty much all the players. Especially loved the George Duke-like stylings of Herring’s keyboard player.
  19. Just watched the Joan Didion piece on Netflix, and they played Uncle Tupelo's Sandusky both in the middle and over the credits. Talk about cognitive dissonance!
  20. In the great tradition of jazz trios like those of Bill Evans & Red Garland, I present the Dixie Dix Band: Red Dix - Piano Hefty Dix - Upright Bass Swingen Dix - Drums
  21. Apparently, they also played Uncle John’s Band the other night. I’ll let someone else watch/critique it. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/watch-dead-company-play-uncle-johns-band-on-late-show-w512163?utm_source=rsnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=111817_09
  22. I get that whole wild risk thing, and I suppose it’s for the best that that seems largely gone from the scene. But it sure was fun: riding from Lynchburg to Richmond, VA in the Fall of ‘83 with a car full of stoned freaks, to catch my one and only Crazy Fingers; losing the crowd I was with in Saratoga in ‘84 and just sticking out my thumb, assured I’d get a ride from a stranger (he went 40 minutes out of his way to drop me right at my door. Deadheads!); and, sober in the early ‘90s, bailing on the scene when a friend and I both caught the grim, dark vibe of where things had turned. It was a
  23. Oof. Yeah, that is some weak sauce. Might be the softest Jack Straw I’ve ever heard. I’m glad for the people who are digging it, but I just can’t get past Mayer at all. His guitar work doesn’t bother me as much as that breathy thing he does with his voice. I’d rather eat lead paint than listen to him singing anything, much less Dead tunes.
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