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Mr. Heartbreak

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Everything posted by Mr. Heartbreak

  1. Yeah, it blew me away. The chatter between Bob and Allen is not of much interest to me, but the acoustic versions of Visions and Desolation sound pretty good for a handheld recorder. Ginsberg paid $500 for it in 1965...wonder what that translates to in 2017 dollars?
  2. Newly circulating Dylan from Dec. '65, recorded with handheld by Ginsberg. Get it while it's hot! https://youtu.be/n5S1hhjpoEo
  3. On the plays, a good place to start is this book: Seven Plays (Buried Child, Curse of the Starving Class, The Tooth of Crime, La Turista, Tongues, Savage Love, True West)
  4. I read all his plays when I was in college. Was kind of stunned not long after when I found out he was an actor too! Truly a great.
  5. Last FL show was in May 2015 by my reckoning. Caught them right before the Solid Sound shows, so I haven't had a single chance to see any Star Wars or Schmilco material.
  6. John Coltrane passed on 50 years ago today. http://www.clashmusic.com/features/where-to-start-john-coltrane
  7. So it's probably been covered on here a million times, but I just discovered Friday Night Lights and have been binge-watching it on Netflix. Holy smokes, I'm only on Season 2, and already they've played Muzzle of Bees, Either Way, and Sky Blue Sky.
  8. Dang, these guys have another new record coming out. Single sounds pretty good too. I love Neal's playing. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/chris-robinson-on-new-crb-lp-why-hes-over-black-crowes-w490432
  9. I'm just thankful there hasn't yet been a Dark Star > Your Body Is A Wonderland.
  10. Wall of Hits will give you pretty much every hit, almost a full 80 minutes worth. On the other hand, their discography isn't that extensive, at least not their most popular period. I'd call them a singles band but others might differ.
  11. Ah, what the hell. Scarlet > Fire China > Rider Bird Song Brokedown Palace Help > Slip > Franklin's
  12. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/features/bob-dylans-tulsa-archive-an-exclusive-inside-look-w489787
  13. I'm not sure I could ever do this...though, admittedly, I've probably tried before. Can I count Scarlet>Fire as one song?
  14. Big news about Owsley's tapes: http://m.sfgate.com/music/article/LSD-king-Owsley-Stanley-s-Sonic-Journals-11209700.php
  15. Yeah, the version of Something with the ukulele was, oddly enough, a real concert highlight for me. Paul is freaking awesome. One of my favorite quotes from him was when he was being interviewed and, of course, asked some huge question about the staggering influence of The Beatles, etc., etc, and his answer was something like, "Well, you know, the thing is, we really were a great little band. Whenever we got together to play, we could almost always find a groove." That is just so Paul.
  16. Just like with most things these days, there's a good quality video of it on YouTube. Pretty cool showcase for his bass playing, I think. He's also been known to do a lengthy version of Give Peace a Chance, complete with singalong. Any chance to see him is a privilege, to my mind.
  17. I've always loved She's Leaving Home, especially Lennon's parts. The whole thing really shows the influence of Pet Sounds on McC. Surprised to see dislike of Ob-La-Di or Long and Winding Road, though. Maybe it's because I've seen Paul a few times in concert and really enjoy all those songs live. Interestingly enough, the last couple times I saw him, he played Ob-La-Di, Long and Winding Road AND Mr. Kite. Would have been an annoying show for some of you. I can understand the chorus of Ob-La-Di grating after awhile, but I've always really found the verses amusing. I suspect it's hard for mo
  18. Sgt. Pepper special: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/explore-beatles-innovative-penny-lane-in-sgt-pepper-doc-clip-w485077?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=daily&utm_campaign=053117_16
  19. Sadly, this does not have video of the performance attached to it, but...well, hell, just listen to it. https://youtu.be/i3DwlboAOfs
  20. Anyone in the mood for some prime Jerry, check out this spring '77 show on YouTube: https://youtu.be/U90Fnv_FpM4
  21. I'm slowly becoming a candidate for frequent headyversion.com perusal. I disagree with many of the choices, of course, but I love discovering (or revisiting) great versions. Today it got me back to the Tuscaloosa Scarlet > Fire, which just might end up being my #1.
  22. Each of the entries on that Pitchfork list has a Key Later Version addendum for all the post-hiatus Deadheads...although a few are Key Earlier Versions from whenever. Plenty of 80s-90s love. Kudos to LouieB for playing the Cornell Scarlet>Fire on WNUR today. Put in a request and a bunch of dirty hippies show up for your radio show. Ha!
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