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Everything posted by jcroach

  1. The More Like the Moon EP was completely free and is still available for free download from Wilco's web site: http://www.wilcoworld.net/ep/helper.html The other link, yeah, you're right.
  2. We just exchanged myspace messages and he does not have the HTML discography files any longer. I'll have to pull it off of the wayback machine.
  3. I did not care for "The Search" at all. I haven't checked out Gob Iron yet. Is it any good?
  4. Thanks for the links. Wasn't the maintainer of that site a semi regular poster here at one time? I'll have to figure out what to do with all that info. The catalog numbers are especially useful.
  5. Random fact, my brother was a groomsman in Lee Strobel's son Kyle's wedding. My brother gave me Kyle's book for Christmas, but I haven't started reading it yet. If you're looking for a "God: WTF is that about?" book with a more progressive slant, I'd recommend the writings of Marcus Borg. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-h...cus%20J.%20Borg I also enjoy Bart Ehrman and John Spong. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-h...t%20D.%20Ehrman http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-h...0Shelby%20Spong As for me, I just started this: How's that for a random segue?
  6. The son of one of my co-workers has some decent work. Check it out here: http://www.tragic-planet.com/
  7. Anybody know what the extent of Jeff's contributions were to the "Through the Trees" album by the Handsome Family???
  8. Dealing with 2 different record companies will make a career retrospective boxed set difficult. Not impossible, but difficult. Besides, I've always considered the "box set" the kiss of death for a band. We don't have anything new to contribute, so let's throw everything we've already done together and sell it to you again. The YHF era was certainly prolific, but I don't count 15 outtakes. Maybe 8. Alone aka "shakin' sugar" - We'll never see an official Wilco release of this song. Not for the season - released as Laminated Cat by Loose Fur. Nothing up my sleeve Venus stop the train -
  9. What Ryan Adams book are you referring to? This one? http://www.amazon.com/Ryan-Adams-Michael-H...4731&sr=1-2 Is it any good?
  10. Not to encourage piracy, but I hope so too. I hate that damn "album only track" shit! Makes me wish for the days of the vinyl single.
  11. I edited the amazon link for "Glad it's over" and added an iTunes link. Unfortunately, it's only available as a "album only track". I hate that shit. Also added a link to the "Jesus' Son" soundtrack on amazon.com
  12. Ok, One more. A lot you you are from the Chicagoland area, right? Who remembers this guy? I grew up in central Indiana and would watch him all the time.
  13. I loved the Garbage Pail kids. Wacky Packages were their predecessors. They were a little before my time, but I loved looking at my cousins' stickers. I saw that Madballs were back at Target! http://www.madballs.com/
  14. Nice. I still play Atari 2600 games at least once a week. Now it's on a PC with an emulator, but I have a a USB joystick made just like the origional one. Atari 2600 and GI Joes were my early childhood.
  15. i don't own this album, so I can't confirm, but some quick google research makes me believe you're correct. The reviews I read all mentioned "Get Your Crayons Out" as the collaboration, not "Escalation Breeds Escalation" Anybody own this album and can confirm for us?
  16. Thanks. I'm pretty sure I got all of those. Was there something specific on there you thought I missed? I added the link to the Amazon.com page for the Heroes Soundtrack. Thanks lost highway! You can't buy it yet, however.
  17. I've updated the first post to include "Wilco related tracks." This includes tracks from the Minus 5, REM and Golden Smog. I've never heard that Live Loose Fur track. I'm not actually sure it exists. I've also never heard the "Down with Minus" LP bonus tracks. If anyone has these and can confirm that they are different than the "At the Organ" EP versions of the same songs, please post. Enjoy!
  18. Links should all be working now. I had to remove the direct links to the "Moon Like the Moon" EP tracks because they don't seem to be live anymore, but you can still download the whole EP as a .ZIP file. Now to start in on everything else.
  19. I figured out my link issue. I'm about 1/2 done fixing them already. Thanks for the offer though!
  20. OK, so none of my links are working. I'll have to fix that.
  21. I’ve been working on this for a while. This is a list of Wilco’s officially released non-album tracks. This comes out of some discussions from another thread. Someone asked where they could find a specific Wilco non-album track. I’ve been keeping this list for myself for quite some time, but thought I’d finally get around to sharing it. I was inspired by the great U2 discography page: u2wanderer.org For tracks that are available on iTunes or individually on Amazon.com, I’ve included a link to where you can buy the track. If a track isn’t available on Amazon, but the CD is, I’ve included that
  22. Thanks for the link. I have those compilations also. They're great, but are missing some things. Especially after 2003 and some official live releases. I know that site you mentioned. It was from the Netherlands, right? I liked it a lot, but it was organized by release. I've always found it more useful to have things organized by song, but that's just me. I've already got my own personal "rarities discography" and it won't take much to post it, so I think I'll do it and see what people think. Thanks again.
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